Monday, March 18, 2013

Chapter 7, Improving Memory and Reading, March 18-24

 I enjoyed reading about all your goals and time management strategies. Many of you have challenges with work, family, school and social life. Keeping your focus on your priorities, breaking the tasks into small parts and finding a reward will keep you on the right path. For this week, read the following situations and comment on two of them using ideas from Chapter 7, Improving Memory and Reading. Have a great week.
  1. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
  2. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
  3. You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.
  4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
  5. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
  6. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
  7. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
  8. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
  9. Comment on any other students' posts.  


    MY RESPONSE:(I’m going to answer this question to the best of my ability )
    if I noticed that my grandmother was becoming very forgetful, I would personally freak out. But since my grandma has passed away I’ll respond as if she was still alive. If my grandma had bad memory then I would do everything in my power to try and not have bad memory when I get older. Looking back at the memory techniques I would use some of those techniques to allow my memory to get better, and not end up with bad memory. For example, my grandmother did actually have bad memory she had Alzheimer’s and so it was hurtful when I would go to visit her and she didn’t even know who I was. It made me feel like crap and I told myself then that I would never allow myself to get like that because it would crush my family a lot.

  2. Seeing people forgetting things is really scary to me. Memory is a great thing to have throughout your lifetime. Keeping the mind healthy as you age will benefit you in the long run. Always stay active and keep the mind busy. Working, schooling, or just simply reading a book, these will help the mind exercise itself. Having a proper diet and exercising the body is an advantage too. It’s sad seeing people loosing their memory over time. That’s why it’s important to stay active all throughout your lifetime. When you hit that golden year people start worrying about other health issues and what medications to take, having memory loss won’t help that situation at all.

    1. I totally agree with you. Sometimes it seems hard to do everything the right way and what is good for your body and mind. But if you just make simple changes like fitting in fun exercise that you actually enjoy, like hiking or biking, just moving around, it doesn't seem like your working hard at all. Also eating healthy can be a very easy thing to do as well, well it is for me anyways, because I've always loved healthy foods and growing up that was all that I had in my house, so there was no choice, and it's not like we had alot of money to spend on food and I still don't today, but I still manage so I know that its possible. Keeping yourself active mind, body and soul; is always very important for your growth as a person and it comes with rewards as you get older. Be cautious of what you put into your body and be smart, you'll be able to enjoy your senior years. Great input.

  3. Always when reading, I read the assigned reading and look over the subtitles to see what this reading would be about. Economics can be hard to understand because there are a million things that can be coved. I always tend to ready really slow and try to understand it that way. I look up words I don’t know and try to re-read the sentence in different words. I always ask the people around me for help or clarification. I tend to use the Internet if there’s no help around me. After attempting all that and I still don’t understand it, I turn to the professor and ask. Never feel shy or embarrassed to ask questions because it only makes you smarter in the long run.

    1. Hey marlo,
      I really like your comment a lot because I can relate to you. I tend to do similar things like you when I read as well. I have this great tutor that I read with and she helps me practice reading to improve my reading skills. I like her because she shows me reading techniques that I can use, even techniques that I can use during testing and studying. My most favorite technique is when I jot down notes about what I read. The reason I like some of your techniques is because they actually work and I’m saying this through experiences.

  4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    First thing that I do is get make sure that I am in a fairly quiet place that I can easily keep focused in and also make sure that I am relaxed and comfortable. This makes it easier to want to sit down and study. Second thing that I do when I have to read or study lots of literature is break it up into sections or chapters. In each chapter I look at the headlines, the bold prints and their definitions. This will give me an idea of what the chapter is about. I then begin to read, and scan over paragraphs that I may have not fully understood and go back and repeat if I need to. I try to find things in the literature that I can relate to or find interesting. Keeping your interest in your studies is key, if your not interested in what you are trying to learn it will most likely not stick in your mind. Finding interests in what you read pushes you to continue to want to keep reading. I would give myself sort of a timeline and write down how many chapters or pages that I need to read in a week and make sure that I meet my own set requirements in order to successfully absorb all of the information that I am taking in. I will sometimes write down questions that I have while I read, or if their is chapter review questions in the book I will read them first before each chapter so that I know the main key points, and make notes as I read. After I have read all that I am assigned to I would review my notes, the chapter review questions and any definitions that were in bold or italic print. By doing this it will help ensure that the information that I have read sticks in my mind and actually can become useful for me in the future.

    1. Brittney, I like your method. It is similar to what I would do when dissecting a huge chunk of text. I like how you said "Keeping your interest in your studies is key, if your not interested in what you are trying to learn it will most likely not stick in your mind." I can't agree with you more! It is so important to find something withing the lesson, even if it is just a sliver of interest, to keep the mind at attention. Keep up the good work! Sounds like you have a really healthy study pattern established.

  5. Our memories are the only things that truley can be forever; that is if we practice using memorization. I found the chapter to be incredibly motivating, and was suprised at how excited I was to read text books from my other classes. To keep my memory young and supple, I am striving to start doing more puzzles and practicing the skills taught in the lesson. SAFEMEDS and the SQR4 systems are useful for an individual, like myself, who maybe needs a little extra reinforcement when reading. I liked the methods provided, because it gives solution to a short routine that is manageable. I made flash cards for my Geology class yesterday and have already reviewed them twice! It is amazing how just a little review session can make a world of difference, compared to a nitty gritty twenty minute study session.

  6. If enrolled in a math class the first thing I would do is read the title of each chapter and sections. By doing this I will have an idea of the material I am going to learn. I would also seek help through the tutors at school as I learned the information so I don't fall behind once the lecture time came about. I would try to stay positive and convince myself that if I work hard and practice the material over and over again it will eventually come to me. Understanding the info with the help of my teacher, practice, and the tutors motivates me to want to learn more or see what else I can accomplish.

  7. Whenever I enroll into courses I know do not interest me or pertain to my major I can find ways to help the materials I learned stick. Looking at it as a stepping stone to my ultimate goal of graduating can help me stay motivated for the class. Relating the subjects I would be studying at the time to personal situations and ideas will also help me find interest in the material and even drive me to want to learn more about them and other subjects. This is not hard for me because I am naturally a very curious person and enjoy finding out new things about varieties of subjects

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I also tend to forget peoples names often. I also try the method of repeating there name back when I first meet them. The other thing that I do that might help you to is to notice some special feature about them and then link it to there name.

  10. I'm actually taking a Philosophy class and to be completely honest i'm not interested in it at all so I can answer this personally, to get through the long readings I write down the main points. It's helpful for when I need to summarize because I can briefly reiterate the reading. Also I try to become interested in the readings by applying it to myself and trying to answer the questions. The class also asks you to do a lot of thinking so I take little breaks so that I don't get irritated because of the materiel.

  11. If I had a mid term in literature class and had to read 400 pages in one month i'd start off by sectioning out a reasonably amount of pages to read each day. That way i'll know exactly when i'll be finished and I won't feel like I haven't read enough in one day. Also i'd chart main points so that after all that reading i'd still know what it's all about. And finally i'd review the reading and write my own little summary of it so that I fully understand the reading and can reiterate it.

  12. I just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what I read. It went in one ear and out the other. Personally I forget what I read If I was not so concetrated on what am reading or If I am not comfortable with the place that I am studying at. I always try to not get distracted by the things that are around me and find the place that I know I will have 100% attention to what I am reading.

  13. I must take American history to graduate from SDSU. I think that history is boring.

    Eventhough I might not like some courses becuase they are boring or not related to me but we don't get whatever we like sometimes. I deal with the courses as same as I have a job and I have to get it done no matter If I like it or I don't. My goals are my motivation. They keep me willing to finish the courses to make these goals come true.

  14. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    One thing that i have found very helpful when it comes down to studying for tests and having to memorize things is that i am able to remember things better when i give myself enough time to study. So if i know that for my anatomy class i have to memorize 100 different muscles in the body i would figure out when my test is going to be than start figuring out when are good days for myself to be able to sit down and study. I want to have enough time to be able to split up the material i need to study. I really like the term of "relaxing" because i wont have to be in a rush studying a day before trying to memorize 100 muscles the day before my test. This way i will more likely be remembering more body muscles more than just doing it a day before. It has more effect in my studying, especially if i feel more relaxed because i wont feel that pressure.

  15. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.

    If i was introduced to a very important business contact and they were a huge part of me getting a huge job or getting an interview i will definitely be wanting to memorize there name because they will have a very important part in my life. It must mean a lot to me, so i will be wanting to remember his name. I will definitely want to have a conversation with them, and keep repeating their name in our conversation so i will not forget it. I think even after i end our conversation for example thank you Mr. or Mrs. So and So for your time i hope to be talking to you soon. After this i will write down their name or put it in in my phone and make sure to say it to myself a couple of times, or mention their name in other conversations i have.

  16. When I was tutor in math lab and when someone ask me question about homework or quiz then I try to show him the steps to solve his question, in the end his answer was I do not understand, and when I ask him he told me I do not like math. 75% from student‘s answer to me were we do not like math. This is the problem! What I learned from chapter 7 there are short- term memory, and long- term memory if we do not like to remember what we read they gone after 30 seconds, which that mean “ it goes in one ear and out the other”. My opinion is the problem in math or other class the problem is from beginning we decided to not like to learn.

  17. I took the American history 108, 109, and this helps me to pass the American citizenship test. The greatest class because history lesson is important in human life, history is other people experiences then we need to learn from them. History amazing and useful material is not just like any other material, so I surprise why is boring! Experiences of other people should be stored in long term memory because we need all the time and moment that mean we will lose if we forget it. Each country has different history but at the end clustered building human civilization. It is greatest class.

  18. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body:

    To remember 100 different muscles in the body sounds like a lot of terms to remember. In order to do this, I will have to study the material in the course of a few days. The first days I will recite all the muscles for a good amount of time and then I will review the information for a few minutes every day. I plan on making meaningful organizations by breaking up the different muscles into smaller, manageable groups. Memorizing different groups can help me categorize the material. Also, breaking the terms into groups can help me memorize the terms into smaller pieces, eventually making way towards 100 terms.

  19. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    To be able to accomplish reading 400 pages in one month, I have to break up my reading to have a few pages each day to read. As I read each day, I will implement the SQ4R system (survey, question, read, recite, review, and reflect). Using this system can help me study for the mid-term. First I would have to survey and question the material before I start reading. Doing this will help me know which main points I will need to focus on to get a good grade on the mid-term. While I read, I can write notes and highlight the material so I can review the important topics later. After reading each day, I will review and reflect on what I have read.

  20. If I have a mid-term in my literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month. The first thing that I would do is to break down the pages and divide them on how many days I have. I actually had exams like this before when I was in High School I had one exam of two books, so I am used to deal with this kind of tests. I make notes and highlight the important points. At the end of each book I make a summary that I can review before the test so I pass it with good grade.

  21. If I sign up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements and I am not interested in the class at all. I will try to think positively and I will try to take the points that interest me. I will reflect those point on my life and see how can this course makes my life better. I may try to live what I read or read it out loud as I am telling a story that will help me saving the information in the long term memory.

  22. If I had a mid-term in a literature class and to read 400 pages in a month there are a few dofferent things I would do. First, I would decide on a certain number of pages to read each day. This will keep me on track and will keep me from getting overwhelmed with so much work. I would take note of any important events that happen in the book so that I can find them again when writing the mid-term paper. At the end of each chapter I would write a quick summary detailing the main points of the chapter for quicker access to the information.

  23. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.

    I am currently in this situation but its not my grandma its my aunt. She suffers from dementia. At first it really wasn’t that bad but as time has went on it has gotten really bad to the point sometimes she is totally out of it. Even though there is nothing you can do about the onset of dementia its sad to see the effects it causes. I plan to keep my mind healthy by getting plenty of exercise for it. Not only physically but also mentally. A new found hobby that I have gotten more serious about is reading novels. I used to only really read books when I was forced to. Now as I am older I have actually found enjoyment in reading. I know that if I continue this hobby I was always keep my mind young.

    You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.

    This also is something that I have a personal connection to. I have been in this exact situation. The way I got through it is be following two rules that I have. Most first rule was to put everything into perspective and always remember the big picture. The other rule that I followed was just to get the work done and over with as soon as possible.

  24. If I had to take an American History class to graduate from SDSU and I thought history was boring I would try to make the best of the situation. If I had trouble remembering the information I would think positively and tell myself that I am capable of succeeding in the class. To remember facts I would study notecards until i have them memorized. Using repitition is a great way to remember things when they have little meaning to you. When reading the chapter I would break it up so I am not overwhelmed. I will review my notes a few different times before the test to keep it fresh in my head.

  25. To keep my mind and healthy as I can as I age I would eat organic and healthy food that is good for my brain and helps in work better. I would cut out all of the bad chemicals in my diet so my brain wouldn't get interfered with from what I ate. I would make sure I excerise a lot so my body can be in healthy shape and that would also help my brain take care of itself if the rest of the body is okay. I would make sure I would read a lot because that would help my brain stay active and help it grow more powerful.

  26. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.

    Often times, I will have a reading assignment and I will read everything but by the end of it I don’t even know what I read. I try my best to focus but I feel like there’s always distractions or that I just cant remember what I’m reading. After learning about memory in this class, I have learned new strategies to help me comprehend what I am reading. From now on, when I read I am going to make sure I am in an environment where there will be no distractions. I am going to ask myself questions about the reading and focus on all the important details. In fact, I am going to highlight all the important things that I have to know. At the end of my reading, I am going to review what I read and re-read all of the highlighted sentences. I think this will be a great way for me to comprehend and remember what I have read.

  27. Reading 400 pages in a month for a midterm may seam like a intimidating but it can be accomplished. The first thing you need to think about is how often and for how long can you read. It is good to space out your homework. a great strategy to improve reading skills is the SQ4R(survey, question, read, review, recite, reflect). when starting each chapter you first start by surveying the text. look for the title, subtitle, captions, etc. Next you should establish questions based of what you surveyed. Changing the title and sub headings into questions works best. Afterward, read the text highlighting the main points, then reciting the main ideas. finally go over the main points and think about what will most likely be on the test. leading up to the mid term for the class it would be wise to review the material regularly for only short periods of time.

  28. It is important to take care of my mental health. I will make sure I stay hydrated and mentally active. The best thing I can do is to have a hobby. Something I could do in my old age is gardening. Luckily I am a fan of strategy games and engaging in such games can be a great source of mental stimulation. Physical exercise and eating healthy right is just as important as staying mentally active. A fun way to stay physical would be to take a dance class. I personally like to go on walks. You know what they say, a healthy brain has a healthy body.

  29. If I was introduced to an important business contact and I would like to remember his or hers name I would try to remember the first letter of the name and maybe something that ryhmes with it. If I have a phone or pen and paper I would write it down that way I wouldn't forget it next time I'm suppose to meet that person. I would also try to remember the event or what we were talking about when trying to remember what that person's name is. I would also try to connect their name with what they look like because that would be the easiest way to remember.

    1. I would do the same exact thing! I always try to rhyme what is being memorized or try to relate something to the name that will help me remember. I always try to write what I am trying to memorize on a piece of paper, but that seems to work the least for me. What works for me most, would be relating the name to something relevant and something that is visible.

  30. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.

    Growing up, I never really cared about my health until I started to learn the effects of being an unhealthy person. I definitely don’t want to ever damage my brain so that’s why I have started to become a much healthier person. I try to eat healthy foods so that my brain is nourished with the proper nutrients that are essential for my brain to develop properly and to stay healthy. I also try to exercise so that I can stay healthy and my blood supply to my brain will stay healthy. In doing this, I hope to prevent any of my brain cells to become damaged and I know that if I continue to eat healthy and exercise, my brain will stay in good condition!

    1. I think this is a positive step into any path of success. I believe it is very important that excercise and fitness stay within your weekly routine. Just by fitting in time to stay fit allows you to work better throughout the week. I like that you acknowledged that it can have large effects on your brain. we have to think about what goes into our bodies because in the end it could have a long lasting effect on our bodies. I think your answer was great and a positive message to all of us students. We all need to put time for oursleves.

  31. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.

    I would have to stop thinking so negatively, and start thinking positive thoughts. Positive thinking leads to success in every scenario. Going into a situation or position, such as being in a math class, you must be motivated, ready, and sure that you will do well without a doubt. Going into the class thinking negatively will only make matters worse. I always try to think positive in every scenario, and as a result, I have accomplished many of my goals. Instead of continually reminding myself that I do not perform well at math, I will say to myself that I am capable of doing anything because I am smart, responsible, and motivated to do well. My confidence and positivity is what keeps me going,

  32. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month

    First, i would start to skim through the four hundred pages briefly, doing that will give me an idea about what the content of the 400 papers include. I will start reading carefully, and slowly through the sentences, then i will read each paragraph over and over to understand it more. While reading i will take notes about the most important ideas in those pages because that will be useful for me when i review for the midterm by just reading the important ideas. Studying literature is not easy since it would definitely require translating a lot of words while reading poems, old songs, and ancient stories.Making flash cards is also another useful method that helps for reviewing and that is considered a visual memory that i can use.

    1. Hi Almas, I would do the same as you, skim through the pages. What i would do too is to read 12 or 13 pages for a day, highlighting the main ideas.Reviewing after finishing the chapter. I agree with you about how hard is Literature, because not only have definitions, it has dates, a lot of names of writers and their novels, cities and the background of many philosopher's life.
      Like you said,I have been using a flashcards too in many classes like History, art, etc., and they are the best way to improve memory and remember important ideas, specially when you are going to have a test.

  33. If I were taking any anatomy and physio class, I would try to associate the names of the body parts by letters of the alphabet, or by developing a rhyme that consists of the parts that I needed to remember. I would also break into study sessions that I can cover a few at a time, and eventually memorize them all. If neither of those things worked, I would try to remember them by making flash cards and carrying them around with me. When I would have free time, I would read them, and try to memorize as much as I could at once.

  34. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.

    Doing exercise is a very good thing that keeps my body healthy and prevents me from having any illnesses.Staying away from smoking, drinking too much, starring at the TV or other electronics for a long time, all these are different causes for such problems at an older age.I like to listen to music, go walking next to the beach to refresh myself are too major elements that i like to apply at my life, which i believe will very goo for me when i'm older. I like to go on vacation from while to while to refresh my mental state, leaving the crowded city with all the noise and pressure, and go somewhere in the nature and enjoy a good weather is another method that i do.

  35. The way i would make the history class better is to think about my ancestors in america and think about if they were important and to make history personal to me, like me i am related to Roger Sherman who signed the declaration of independence, the constitution and the articles of confederation. Second i am related to General sherman from the civil war. that actually made history more interesting for me.

  36. I have noticed that my grandmother has become more and more forgetful lately. Some of the steps that I could take in order to keep my mind healthy would be to first, keep my mind busy. I would try and make sure that I had a routine of where aI place things, or where I go on some days. I would try to manage a routine schedule. Also, I would eat a little healthier, as to try and keep bad things out of my life. I would also keep a written diary of some sort, so that I could attempt to remember every single day of my life

  37. You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all. First thing I would do to help myself be more interested in the class is to remind myself that once I finish this class I am one step closer to finishing college. Reminding myself this will allow me to not be so negative about taking a class I’m not interested in. I would also allow myself to find different ways to interest myself and reward myself for doing a good job. As long as I stay positive and allow myself to not get side tracked I will succeed even if I am not interested in the class.

  38. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age. A few ways I would help keep my mind healthy as I age would be by playing and doing games such as crossword puzzles and also by being interactive with many different types of people who will always keep my mind going. Doing crosswords and mind games will help keep my mind healthy by always testing my brain and keeping it up to pace. As for being interactive with many different types of people this will help the health of my mind by always having something and someone to talk to and stimulate my brain with new information.

  39. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    Since there are so many different things to remember i think that visual might be too hard to actually remember all 100 by just sight. I think something along the lines of music would be so much more useful. You can break down the muscles and have a little song for each of the reigons. This can be so useful because it's nearly impossible for a person to memorize all 100 in one instance. Another helpful method can be to write them down on notecards and memorize each by the 10's. Personally i have tried both methods and found them very successful.

    1. I like your suggestion about writing them down and studying them in the 10's at a time. I would not have thought of that. It would be far easier to master 10 at a time and incorporate them with each set once memorized.
      I am not sure if I could think of a song with so many parts to remember. I am dreading taking anatomy. I have put off al of the difficult classes to the end and now I am thinking that was a bad idea as it may have been easier to incorporate one or two difficult classes at a time.

    2. I definitely could not think of a song with so many parts to remember but I commend you on trying to use that option!

  40. Irma Tiznado, March 24, 2013
    You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    This is my case, since i remember I never have been good at math, that have been affecting my achievement on this class. Most of the time I feel frustrated and putting my math assignments or study guides for test to the last. But, after reading this chapter, I will change my thinking on this subject, because math is the only class is the most hard for me. I will go with better attitude, study hard applying the new techniques I learned. Practicing more, reading the main points, ask questions and review often what I learned every day. I am sure if I apply this, I will be confident and be successful on math.

  41. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
    I suggest that you skim through the chapters to get a basic idea of what you are about to read. Then divide the pages up by dividing 400 in about 22 days. Take notes for each chapter that you can use to go back and study off once you are done with the reading. 400 pages is a lot to take to memory so your notes are important.

    You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
    I think the easiest way to remember a name is to rhyme it with something that is easy to remember. You can also rehearse it several times to remember it. If you still have difficulty you can write it on your hand.

  42. 8.You have noticed your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever you can to keep your mind healthy as you age.

    - To keep my mind healthy as I age I will continue to challenge it. Doing crosswords and word puzzles will help keep my brain healthy. I will also continue to eat right and sleep well.

    6. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his name.

    - In order to remember the important business contacts name I just met I would repeat it over and over and store it in LTM that way I wont forget.
