Monday, April 29, 2013

Chapter 12, Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle, April 29-May 5

Chapter 12 contains health information for college students in the areas of nutrition, avoiding addictions, protection from disease, getting enough sleep and dealing with stress. It is based on the premise that we will be living longer in the 21st Century. Also a college education is a big investment and it is important to enjoy it over a long lifetime. Here are some ideas for discussion. You can also add any topic related to health or college and career success. You can make one comment of 200 words or two comments of 100 words each. 

These facts are well known: 

•         Smoking causes lung cancer.
•         One out of three Americans is overweight or obese.
•         Ilegal drug use is addictive and limits success.
•         Not getting enough sleep is harmful to health and learning.
•         Not practicing monogamous or safe sex can lead to STD’s including AIDS.

Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

Assume that you are writing magazine article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health." What ideas would you include in this article?

Share some of your intention statements for maintaining your good health.

I wish all of you good health! Marsha Fralick


  1. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?
    I think people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex because that’s all some people know or are used to me. For example, my older brother smokes pot (weed) but his reasoning is because he was shot and stabbed and it eases his pain . It was prescribed from the doctor, but I know a lot of people who use drugs un prescribed which is very dangerous. My dad works with people who are addicted to drugs (McAlister Institute ) and I hear him talk about a lot of different things. With practicing unsafe sex, I can relate to that because I have had experience with unsafe sex, when I lost my virginity in 2010 I had unprotected sex and I’m young I’m only 16 so at that time I was 13 and I didn’t really know much about diseases and everything but I’m lucky because I could’ve caught something luckily I didn’t. I know a lot of people who do have unsafe sex now days and who do got diseases that are incurable and they r egret have unsafe sex because now every partner they have sex with is bound to catch something if they don’t let them know in advance . I just think people who are going to have sexual intercourse should be safe and realize that there are more diseases out there than people think. My mom is a person who misses out on sleep, she feels like if she sleeps she is missing out on things which is weird. I think she is just a very noisy person.

  2. The use of illegal drugs is actually very common today. And yes I include alcohol as a drug (I know this form lifelong personal experiences) Sorry I do not incluse marihuana, as I know that it does help medically; and only irresponsible, lamos give it a bad name. It doesn't even have a specific age group really anymore, (if you want to be real about it). I know from personal experience, family experience and friends; that it ruins your life. I have been down those roads and they are not pretty. They may feel fun at times but it catches up to you and when it does its total disaster. You lose yourself, your family and the ones that love you. Most people, turn into somebody they are not, they lose their morals, values, self-respect, respect for others, lie, cheat and steal. You hurt the ones you love, I know this personally and I know that I had a boyfriend that completely turned into a paranoid, aggressive, destructive horrible person that hurt me physically as well as emotionally. He was a completely different person. One that I actually began to fear. He is now off of the drugs and doing great picking himself back up. And sorry but you can not be one of those that says “oh not me, it won't do that to me, I got it under control”. It will eventually your whole life will be a pile of crap, you will be so low down under the ground; you don't know if you will ever be able to get yourself back up, even to ground level, let alone above and live a successful, respectable, happy life. I think some people continue to use drugs and do not stop first its addictive, and when you have gone so far down that path, you lose everything, you get stuck in a nasty environment, with loser people, no income, no nothing and just don't know how to go about getting out. It's so hard to start over with nothing. It takes a very strong willed and determined person to get up and start over again, WITH NOTHIN. I know that it can be done. I am one of those people, who have decided enough was enough. I was down to nothing, but decided I don't wanna just give up and crumble or fall back into lame, deteriorating, horrible lifestyle. I've seen and experienced very horrific things and it's changed me as a person. The way I look at the world and people. I am building myself back up, finances are still very slow, but I’m trying and getting there, I'm in school, I surround myself with people who care about me, eliminated people and places that are detriment to me. It's so hard, but can be done. It still can be a struggle, but knowing that I have things now, even everyday life necessities, a roof over my head, my family back, and me back, its enough to just keep on the right track. I stumble a little but I get right back up. All I can say is drugs are not worth it and they only take away everything in your life that means anything to you.

    1. wow, sorry I didn't realize I wrote so much. I'm pretty passionate about this subject.

    2. I congratulate you for the courage to get your life back on track and to share your story. In my lifetime, I have also witnessed the destruction that drugs can do. Sadly too many people don't think it is a problem because they are focused on pleasure in this instant rather than long term happiness.

    3. That is so true. Instant gratification does not tend to bring you far in life; and as it is Instant, it goes away just like that and takes everything else that matters with it. I wasn't expecting a response from the instructor. :)
      Thanks for your response.

  3. Answering the question of why people do certain things when they know how damaging it can be to their health is a good question. Addiction can be a big part of it but I think it is because of the lack of effort people develop after encountering one of these problems. I believe people also put things off and rather deal with certain problems when they occur rather than going through the trouble of preventing them such as lung cancer and quitting smoking. Instant gratification is also another big factor in this. People love to live in the moment and this leads to temporary pleasure and permanent damage. Such as when a person with an eating disorder gets lonely or bored and to find comfort they eat. Food can comfort a person and distract them from problems which is appealing to people, but at the same time it can cause obesity and other health issues down the road. Other problems occur when people decide to smoke, drink, and practice unsafe sex to deal with their problems. People get so caught up in the moment though and act so quick without thinking of other better solutions to their problems they normally will result back to their comforting tick they perform when dealing with problems such as stress, anxiety, boredom, loneliness, anger, resentment, and etc.

  4. I feel like a reason drug use and alcoholism are still common even with the knowledge of their harmful effects, is because they're portrayed in movies and in the media. In a lot of the movies that appeal to teenagers and college kids, there's big parties where kids are drinking and/or smoking and having a good time. But not all parties in real life turn out that way, some kids can't wait until they're of legal drinking age and when cops are alerted of this the outcome isn't fun or worth it at all. Also kids can get drugs and alcohol pretty easily through people who are old enough to buy it and don't think of the harm it can bring to them. There's also problems with self control which leads to substance abuse. The reason there's a drinking age is because ages under 21 aren't mature enough to handle it. Mentally and physically it effects you and you're responsible for yourself to make the right choices and be able to control your intake of alcohol. I personally think there should be more laws and restrictions for alcohol, only because there's more negative effects of it than positive.

  5. In order to improve my health, there are a few things that I intend to do. In order to loose weight, or stay at a normal weight, I need to stop drinking sodas, exercise at least for an hour a day, eat small and good portions, and get enough sleep. There are many benefits to exercising like increasing my endurance and strength, reduces depression and anxiety, and maintains healthy bones and joints. Another way to stay healthy is to have good nutrition. I need to balance my calories, drink a lot of water, and make sure half my plate consists of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are a good source of potassium, dietary fiber, folic acid, ad vitamin C. It is also important to drink low fat milk to obtain a good source of calcium. One important thing that I intend to stay away from is drugs and alcohol. I intend to stay away from anything that can affect my education, job, and life. Smoking is an addiction that is not easy to overcome. It can damage my respiratory system, affect my vision, and increase the risk of having strokes. Not just cigarettes, but other drugs like cocaine, heroin, weed, LSD and more can become addictive and cause really bad withdrawals. Not only is it bad for you it may also cause family problems which I speak from experience. I certainly have not smoked anything but Hooka, and I do not plan on smoking anything else. I am actually a chicken when it comes to even drugs that kill pain and are prescribed from doctors. I always get scared of taking meds because I hate the sleepiness and drowsiness feeling. In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, getting enough sleep is very important as well. Also relaxation is important when stressing out. Stress can make you feel all kinds of pain and weird things. It interferes with concentration, learning, and memory. I like to listen to music in a comfortable area, and also meditate to get things off my mind and calm my nerves and thoughts.

  6. The five most important steps to maintaining your good health are exercising, eating right, making positive choices, gaining knowledge, and sleep. These five steps can add many years to your lifetime. Many people make negative choices in there lifestyle. The lifespan of a person is going down tremendously by the years going by. People wonder why, well it’s because of the bad habits we all make. Most of us eat, drink, and smoke whatever we can get our hands on just to “try it”. We shouldn’t be doing that in this day an age. We all must exercise the heart by doing some sort of activity of exercise. While exercising, we all should be eating the right things and keeping a healthy diet. If whatever you’re putting in your mouth and it tastes good, you shouldn’t be eating it. Always make the right choices when doing anything, especially food. Keep the mind working at all times, read a book, stay in school, and try to learn new things. Our bodies need exercise and so do our brains. Lastly, make sure you’re getting a good night sleep. Always wake up and go to sleep at the same time. It’ll train your body and mind to a routine. Keeping these steps in mind can guarantee years onto your life.

  7. The five most important steps to maintaining good health in my book are eating right, exercise, staying educated, keeping a healthy schedule and lifestyle and surrounding yourself with positive people. In todays world especially there are more temptations than ever to cheat yourself and all off the healthy track. Unhealthy food is so easily accesible and ill admit tasty. However if we want to prolong our lives and stay healthy we have to drive ourselves to be better and challenge ourselves to eat right an exercise. Its good for your body and mind. I agree it is hard and not always easy however once you get on a schedule and stay on track you start feeling better and looking better. I think it is more of a challenge for those of us who work and go to school because we are always running from work and class and finding the time to get in a good meal vs grabbing some fast drive though isn't always convenient. I try to pack snacks and food the night before or pre cook some meals for the week. It is also great to be ging to the gym even if you can only go two or three times a wek go! it makes a big difference with your heart and cardiovascular system. I know for people who smoke it can be extremely hard to quit. I know friends and family who have tried. I think if you care about someone being their support system is a big help and that goes for anything in life not just smoking. I believe it also helps being a positive role model for each other and encouraging each other and challenging each other to work out and strive to be better and better each day. A lot of this however comes down to personal responsibility. You need to take control of your life. There wont always be someone there babysitting you everyday and telling you to make healthy choices or practice safe sex. I dont understand why people make some of the foolish and unhealthy choices that the do. But in todays society all the advertising only makes it harder. everyone should tak a look in the mirror and ask themselves if they want to live and be healthy or be unhealthy and live a short life.

  8. The most important steps to maintaining my good health is drink water a lot and never I drink soda in my life other thing was I drink a lot tea, second I pray many times a day this thing give me strange feeling in addition made feel relax and love all people. Music also made me like I am flying it is really a magic power. Positive thinking is helpful to pass any fail in my life. Exercises each day is like routine and I never miss any day in my life. So drink water or tea, pray and faith in God made always in positive thinking it is hope, and exercise, these all steps I think will add many years to my life. This is what I learned from my uncle and he is now 99 years old and still healthy, body and mind.

  9. The question is why people continue to do something bad and they know this will be harmful to them? My answer to this question is they do not have a strong will. When I was 12 years old some friends encouraged me to do that, after that I started ask me why I am doing that! From that moment I quit smoking so what I think if anyone has self-confidence he can do everything. Second thing is feeling in false sense of euphoria because they are stupid and without hope and faith, and the important thing they do not have faith.

  10. Being overweight is a very common problem nowadays, and the percentage above is a dangerous one. This is an increasing percentage because time is limited and or the people who work, going shopping, and then going home and start cooking would take a long time when compared to buying fast food from the drive through, and all that would take5-7 minutes. Another cause for these problem is that the majority of the food that the American people eat is genetically engineered food and that means that it is not natural which lead to more unneeded calories. And most of that food has corn products in it which is considered number one in the genetically modified food system.

  11. A lot of people today are addicted to smoking, and that it is not an easy habit to quit. Some people start smoking because of stress, depression, or anger. Smoking is like breathing poison into the body and poison is harmful to the human body, and cause a lot of health issues to the body. Cancer is considered number one illness besides the respiratory diseases that smoking can cause. Furthermore, smoking is not only bad for the person who is smoking it is also harms the people surrounding the smoker, who breath this smoke which might cause cancer for them too.

    1. I agree that smoking can be most hazardous for those surrounding a smoker, especially if those people are small children. I have noticed, that most smokers are unaware of the effects their smoke has on other people. I like how you said " Smoking is like breathing poison into the body." This is too true; I used to smoke and know how horrible it is on the system, and will never go back to that lifestyle of chains. Great post!

  12. If i were writing this article, "The Five Most Important Steps to Maintaining Your Good Health" my first advice is make sure you have a clear goal you want to accomplish. It may not be easy at first, but we are all strong in our own way, and you can get through this. Make sure to stay positive and surround yourself with positive people who wont bring you down. Instead people who you know will be there for you when you need them the most. Living a healthy life style does not mean you need to starve yourself. It means you have to make healthier choices on what you eat. Those choices need not only have to be healthy for you but fulfilling. Because if you do not eat enough, you will end up eating more then necessary because you are still hungry. Make sure to exercise daily. Good advice that i can give you is, do not do it alone. It is much easier to go on walks or a run if you a buddy or a friend. That way you will have more energy to get up and exercise. Make sure also, you are giving yourself enough time to rest and relax your body. You need to gain energy to keep moving on and move forward. You need your rest and get yourself for the next day, which will be a fresh, new start to your day.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. The five steps to maintain good health are eating right, getting a good amount of sleep, exercising, gaining knowledge (education), and not stressing out. I think that these five steps are so important so staying healthy and living a long life. From experience, I know that doing these five things doesn’t only improve your health physically, but it also really makes you feel like you are a healthier person and like you have more energy. Exercising and eating healthy are the two that I think are the most important. When I exercise and eat healthy, I feel like a brand new person. I’m not a big fan of going to the gym, however, I love exercising outdoors. Hiking is by far the most enjoyable form of exercise for me. When I am hiking, it doesn’t even feel like I’m really exercising. Eating healthy is important because you need to make sure you are taking in all the essential nutrients that your body needs. I try to do this by looking at a food pyramid and making sure I have a balanced meal everyday with most of the nutrients I need. In doing this, I feel like I can take care of myself better and live a longer healthier life. I also recommend this to everyone else!

  15. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?
    Personally, I do not know why people continue on doing such as these things. For me, I think people who harm themselves are suffering from problems that they cannot deal with, so they rely on smoking, overeating, or taking illegal drugs. They think that they can go out of this planet and forget about bad things. I know that because my brother has a liquor store. Almost every customer has a problem in his life that he cannot solve, sometimes they come to the store and get liquor while they are crying. Miss out on sleep in another way to that people hurt their bodies. They might need that because of their work to get enough money to be able to live a good life.
    Practice unsafe sex, is another big problem that I noticed people in USA have. In my opinion people do not need to practice sex unless they are married, so there will be no need to discuss unsafe sex. I actually do not understand how a girl can practice sex with several guys in one month. This is unethical issue.

  16. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?
    We live in a society where many things have become a norm. Unfortunately smoking, drugs, and unsafe sex has become a common thing. Everywhere we turn we can either watch (on TV) or read about some crazy story about some naive kid who became obsessed with drugs, made wrong decisions in life and took the wrong path in life and is now dead. It is unfortunate that these things happen to so many people everyday. Even though there are many studies that prove these choices are bad and will be hazardous to our health, many people take the ignorance road. It has become an act of rebellion by many of the younger generations. When someone says no they insist on saying yes regardless of its side effects. Unfortuantely it is the new 'cool' and many conform to society because they want to fit into a certain crowd or look a certain way. People who do smoke or do drugs seem to have a different rebellious persona that others find attractive. After reading a few articles about it, i was shocked to see the stupid choices some make. Aside from drugs and smoking, many people feel the need to overeat despite all the effects. Sadly, these people eat because they feel the need to emotional eat when they don't feel well. It takes over their bodies. Everytime something bad happens they run to food for comfort. They don't think about the side effects because they just want the pain that they are currently feeling to subside. For many, it is not in their control. They eat like this to live and go about their day. As for practicing unsafe sex, i think the media has a lot to do with it. They have emphasized on the idea of living wild and free. This excludes thinking about the consequences of their actions. They're so caught up believing that they should just live in the moment without thinking what they are doing. This is wrong in so many ways because if you neglect whats important it will come back to hurt you. Finally, while on the topic of less sleep i think this is just a day to day problem. Many people don't have the time to sleep. Many have to work, school, and take care of their children which leaves them little to no sleep. They are all on a small time constraint that they have to follow.

  17. After knowing what over eating, smoking, alcohol abuse, and other self destructive habits do to you some people may wonder why people still do these things. It seems irrational for people to partake in these behaviors when they know full well what it does to the individual. Unfortunately self destructive behaviors such as these things are much more then a bad habit. We all deal negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, guilt, and anger. Some people are more prone to these feelings and they desperately try to find a way to cope with the emotional pain. Alcoholism has been linked to depression in many studies. the believed reason was alcoholics with depression were drinking to self medicate themselves so that they could bare the pain depression brought them. This same problem with depression occurs with over eating, drug use, etc. These destructive behaviors are being used as coping mechanisms for underlying problems. There are other ways to cope with emotional problems but the easy way, such as drinking, always have a price. Not all people use bad habits to cope with emotional distress, but its more likely people will look for a quick fix, when in truth quick fixes only delay the problem as well as bring in more issues and health risks. For example, students are tired all the time and need to stay awake. Instead of getting enough sleep and following healthy steps to get better sleep, they instead drink energy drinks. Energy drinks are a quick fix that just causes more health problems. It is evident that human nature pushes us to find the most immediate solution to our problems.

  18. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    Smoking, drugs, and irresponsible drinking all lead to an addiction.People sometimes start smoking just for fun with friends or smoke weed to have a pleasure for a short term but they don't consider the side effects of this work.Most of people who smoke are addicted.They think that they can quit easily but when they come to this point they are lying to themselves because they can't .Same thing with alcohol.On the other hand, overeat and miss out sleep are related to the way of life that the persons live and the background of the family.Obesity is one of the biggest social problems in the American society because people are used to eat fast food (junk), plus the technology made everything easier for people which affected negatively on their life, that is why Nowadays we see a lot of people have the gym part of their life.

  19. I intend to eat fruits and veggies everyday. I thin it is important to get at least and hour of exercise everyday and a good nights sleep. It is hard to balance work, school and time for healthy activites, but it creates a positive lifestyle when you incorporate small changes into your daily routine. I liked this chapter because it made me re-evaluate my health. I love to hike and be healthy, but it never hurts to update even good habits.

  20. Most people continue to drink and do drugs because it usually becomes part if their daily routine. Having a background where people drink a lot, I have seen that people rely on this routine to make themselves feel better or cope. Many people are familiar with the risk of these behaviors, but cannot seem to stop themselves because they feel it helps them to also mask what's going on in their lives.
    Alcohol and drugs have also becomes an acceptable activity in society, and has becomes also the social norm. With these "social norms", people don't want to stick out and be "out of the box". It becomes so hard for them to quit, that it is easier to be “cool”/. Most people do not think about the consequences, or do not want to stop this behavior until it is too late. This goes especially with the college age group of people.
    In terms of sleep, some people decide that it is not such a big deal to lose sleep. A lot of college age people consider it too much of a risk to fall asleep because they are under so much pressure to do well in school. Especially with the introduction to energy drinks, sleep has become almost unnecessary to most people. This doesn’t mean that it will increase performance, but rather render them to a bigger crash later on.

  21. Knowing this information, Why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep, or practice unprotected sex?

    People are very tempted by things they get pleasure or enjoyment out of. There will always be times when people have to choose between being healthy and having fun. Smoking cigarettes, drinking, or using illegal drugs is something most people will try in their lives. They will probably try these things because they are curious about how it will make them feel or because their friends all do it and they don't want to be left out. Trying these things once won't hurt you as long as you are being safe about it but what people don't realize is how addictive it really is. Most people start smoking by saying they will only do it a little bit and stay in control but they can end up lying to themselves about being addicted because they don't want to admit it or they want to keep feeling the enjoyment they get out of smoking. People overeat because they do not set limits for themselves and the food tastes so good they just keep eating as much as they can. I'm guilty on this one. When I am eating something I really like I will keep eating until I cannot eat anymore and have a stomach ache. I am lucky enough to have a very fast metabolism and will not get fat, but that doesn't mean the food won't have negative effects on my body. Missing sleep is most likely caused by being busy during the day so people want some time to relax before going to bed. Not getting enough sleep will make you feel sluggish and limit your ability to concentrate hard on things. Overall, people give in to the things they feel pleasure from and focus on how good they feel now rather than how these things will affect their lives in the future.

  22. If I was writing a article about five steps to maintaining good health I would first start with identifying to the reader the main causes to bad health which in turn would make the person not want to do that. Your diet is the most important factor in staying healthy because it is the cause of many types of deaths and diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and others. Your body is a machine that needs the proper nutrition to work correctly so eating healthy food will make you feel good. Another thing that causes bad health is smoking which is terrible for your lungs and causes many deaths due to lung cancer. Get rid of smoking if you want a healthy body and to live longer. All of this sounds like common sense but most people don't live by these examples because it takes focus to do those things. Most people would rather have fried chicken than a salad. It's really hard to always think about your health when your perfectly healthy. It's only after something goes wrong is when people start to live differently. So just focus on the things that can cause bad health like diet, not enough sleep, smoking, unprotected sex and illegal drugs.

  23. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    I believe there are many factors that contribute to people continuing to engage in activities that they know will reduce the amount of years they will be alive. I believe the number one reason that people continue to do these things is because they are using that activity to mask an even bugger issue. For example alcoholism, Not 100 percent of all alcoholics but an overwhelming percentage use alcohol as a way to escape other issues they are having in life. It ranges from problems with there spouse to challenges at work, some even come from there past childhood years. Same goes for the use of illegal drugs. A lot of users are only using because they are looking for a way out of the pain they are facing in there in there normal life. Drugs ,alcohol, overeating can all be contributed to pain in there life and in order to cope with it they do one of the those options. The missing out on sleep I believe are from two main issues. One being they are so busy and stressed it is hard to get the rest that they need even though they need it. The other reason I believe that people don’t get the rest they need is because in order t survive and keep up the living conditions that you are comfortable in you sometimes have to give up sleep. Thats the predicament I find myself in.

  24. Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?

    People continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep, or practice unsafe sex because it becomes a habit or lifestyle. Once people become addicted to smoking or taking illegal drugs, it can be hard for the person to break the addiction even though they know how bad the habit may be. Another reason people still partake in these actions is because they like the feeling of doing something wrong or know is bad for them. The idea of risk taking entices people to do actions that may not be in their best interest. The actual action could be something that the person finds pleasurable which leads to an addiction. For example, the effects of illegal drugs are found pleasureable by people. Also, these actions may be something that cannot be avoidable. For people who miss out on sleep, sometimes it is unrealistic to not get a full-night’s sleep because they are up late studying for an exam or attending to an emergency. People who overeat may find eating a way to cope with their issues or problems. I know that for me, eating and food can be a away for me to escape my problems. However, this actually causes more problems where eating can become an addiction and lead to obesity and diseases. Through all of these unhealthy habits, people can be in denial and believe that what they are doing is “okay.” It is easy to fall into a habit of not sleeping or eating too much because they are so accessible. Smoking and illegal drugs can be very accessible to others as well. Even though some drugs may be illegal, people are able to have access to them.

    1. i agree i didn't mention the part about sleep. the human body does need its time to rest after a full day of loading things into your system. i think the recommended hours of sleep is still a full 8 hours while when people get older people think you really don't need that much sleep. maintaining that while help keep a better mental so that chances are you wont repeat the same thing every single day.

  25. Irma Tiznado May 25, 2013
    Knowing this information, why do people continue to smoke, overeat, take illegal drugs, miss out on sleep or practice unsafe sex?
    I think this start since the people are very young, when then do not know the consequences in their future, when they live the moment, when they want to escape from the problems they are facing, sometimes just for fun, because even the people that have money, they feel alone and start taking drugs, having sex, drinking and smoke and sleep deprived. Their immaturity lead them to think that is it cool, that they will be respected and accepted in their groups. When they grow up, they are hooked to this addictions and it is difficult to quit just because they realized their life is ruined,but the addictions took away their will power. Few of them can overcome addictions and the ones whom had not the opportunity or decision to quit, struggle for life destroying themselves and their families. All this are addictions but some are less difficult to quit, like smoking or lack of sleep. I can tell this by my own experience because when I was in high school I was smoking a lot, about half box daily,this happened for many years, but when I got married and pregnant I decided that was a powerful reason to quit smoking. My son is now 24 years old and since then I do not smoke. About the lack of sleeping, I do work on that every day and I am doing great.

  26. knowing about maintaing a healthy lifestyle i would say the biggest concern is smoking. for one it is more accessible than illicit drugs. yes people do take drugs but for the fact that you only have to be 18 to buy tobacco products makes it look like every young adult looks forward to using their 18 year old freedom to try. i think that since that law is there the same goes for being 21 and being allowed to drink. its like an incentive. over all i would recommend to just use both lightly because you as a person would just consume everything without knowing how it affected you when you first tried it, you know just don't build a tolerance or you would feel the withdrawal symptoms.
