Monday, April 8, 2013

Chapter 9, Test Taking, April 8-14

Please read the chapter on test taking and make comments on two of these questions:

1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

2. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

3. How do you study for a math test?

4. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
7. Comment on another student's post. 



    I study for a math test or any test in general by taking notes in class and making sure that the notes im taking are legit and im able to read the notes that im writing. This is something that i would have to work on because when it comes to test taking skills im not so good at it . I've always had a problem with that since second grade, and my remebrance is very low. I tend to forget things very easily. Some good test taking skills that i've learned since being in this class is writing down any and everything that is written on the board, another tip would be to abbrediate things that isnt needed to be long. So that you can go back to your notes and remember what you wrote, but be sure you can read your OWN writing.

    1. I think that the note taking is very important. I always find my notes really helpful. In order to help you remember things it is easier to break it up in pieces and then go back to review. The more you try to cram in at once the lower your chances are of remembering it. Flash codes are also helpful in math. I hope this helps.

  2. My best idea for studying for an exam is being prepared early. When you know ahead of time you have a test and the chapters you can divide up the work and studying into smaller pieces. This allows you to take time while preparing not trying to cram it all in at once. ALso keeping good notes helps to be able to go back through and look at key points. Teachers tend to tell you in class what they will be testing on so if your notes are current then you will be ahead of the game.

    1. Lanae,
      I agree with you alot because it is important to be well prepared for studying for a exam. Me, when i study i be sure to read my notes carefully and try to remember the most important facts through out the chapter or on what ever i am reading. I also think that dividing up the work and studying into smaller pieces is a helpful tool to use.

  3. The ideal way to review for a test is to lock yourself in the room and study 24/7. But that never happens. So ideally you should review everything you did in class everyday until you master it in your mind. It sounds hard and you might not want to do it but it’ll pay off at the end. Right before the test, review the entire lesson that will be covered on the test. Take good notes, find time to study, and never miss class. Once you have those down, the test should be easy. Never panic and do your best. As long as you try and learn, don’t worry about anything else.

    1. Very well put. That's exactly what's up. Basically always try and do your best. If you are actually trying hard,doing your best and putting your all into something, than it is always worth it. Don't stress too much and it is not the end of the world. Making sure that you feel confident in the material that you are being tested on by reviewing your notes and reading materials is always a good thing. I also get anxiety and it's not a fun thing. But it can be calmed down, by taking a deep breath, realizing that stressing will only make things worse not better and trying to focus on whats important right then and there. Everything will work itself out if you know that you have taken all the precautions of doing trying to do what you can do. Believe in yourself. It'll be alright. Nicely put.

  4. Anxiety isn’t an easy thing to deal with. I get it all the time. Some suggestions I believe that work for me is to stay calm, study what you have, and get help if you don’t understand anything. Staying calm always helps me. Always take it easy and breath. Take good notes and study off them. It’s the second best tool you have because whatever you write down, you’ll be the only one that understands it the way you do. Always ask for help when you don’t understand anything. I always do and it always helps. The main key students have are the teachers. Use them always while they last.


  5. I am not the greatest at taking tests. But there are certain things that you can do in order to help ensure that you do well on a test. One is to make sure to attend class and review your notes thoroughly. This way you will be be familiar with the material and it will allow you the chance to ask questions and obtain useful resources such as tutoring and extra reading materials. By reviewing your notes that you have, reading the material that you are being tested on before the test, asking questions as you read, you will be able to gain useful information in regards to the test you are taking. When you are studying and before you take the test make sure that you feel comfortable, and confident in the material that you have reviewed. Reduce stress by being organized and having all of the materials necessary to do your best. Stay calm and collected and try to keep focus. Don't stress if you don;'t understand a question, go back to the question later and try your best to picture the notes that you have reviewed and the text you have read. All in all, study throughout the week before the test and use studying and memory tactics that work for you in order to absorb and learn all of the information.

  6. How do you study for a math test?
    When I have a math test I use some steps to prepare myself. I always put in front of me all the material that I have to study like the notes, the book, and the packet the review test. I start with the notes I try to remember the roles and if I miss any of them I review the chapter. Then I do some problems from the book and I check my answers. Last but not least I make sure to solve the review test or any other sheets the teacher gave to me, so I can do well in that test

    1. I agree with you Tamara. I am in stats right now and it is not very easy for me since math is not my strongest subject. I think all the steps that you follow are very helpful when it comes to studying for test. i think Something that helps me when it comes to studying is getting my practice test done. The way my professor does it is that he gives us our pretest a couple of days before the test and expects us to have it done so if we have any questions we can ask in class the next time. This seems to be very helpful. Then the next class we take our test so we can look over our pre test and study off of that. Taking notes in class is also very important and any equations that might be important.

  7. What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    A review means that you have the concept and you are going over it just to make sure that you get all the details. So when you are reviewing you need to do the review after you study by twenty minutes that makes the material stay in the long term memory. Many methods of review can help like a summery sheet or flash cards. The flash cards are really good in the true false exams and help a lot. Another method is that you highlight the concepts so you go over them quickly.

  8. The way I study for a math test is by reviewing the homework for that section and re-doing the problems. Also writing out the formulas at the top of my paper so that I won't forget them and can also look at them when I need to use them. And taking the practice tests never hurt because you get the idea of what's going to be on the test and can be better prepared.

  9. The ideal way to review for any type of test is to plan out your studying before hand and give yourself enough tie to break down the material and absorb it all. Also write out terms and definitions so that you can memorize them, also make summary sheets. And studying with a friend can be helpful by being able to be asked questions and being in an environment where you feel comfortable. And lastly, studying when you're in a positive mood and stress free environment will benefit you greatly.

    1. Hi Zoe, i really like how you mentioned to study when you are in a positive mood and a stress free environment. Usually when i know i have a big test or final and i know that i need to get started studying the first thing i do when i wake up is not be lazy and have the mentality that i need to start studying so i get good grades, and not lay in bed wondering what i can do today or complain about school. I go to the library where no one can bother me and get started studying. I really like studying with other a group because if i run across a question or something i dont understand i am able to get help from my classmates or someone who might have the same question and we can all help each other out. It is important to give ourselves enough time in advanced to study all the different material that needs to get reviewed before the test. So have a schedule in mind on how you want to approach all of your material so you dont have to study and memorize everything a night before.

  10. How do you study for a math test?
    First of all,the best way to study for a math test is by practice. It is really important to practice when your studying math otherwise everything that you have read will be gone.Second summarizing the formulas and have them on piece of paper so I can review them anytime before the exam is another way. Finally, asking for help is another key to pass on math courses. If I don't understand a formula or an equation I look for help either the teacher or my friends.

  11. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    It happens to me every time before an exam but I try to control it by thinking about something else or talk to someone about anything that makes me forget about the exam. Anxiety disappears once I get the questions sheet, I start writing down what I learned that makes me feel relaxed.

  12. The key to dealing with test anxiety is keeping a positive attitude. You have to keep reminding yourself that you are capable of learning the material and will do well in the class. Make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before the test and eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning. It helps to visualize yourself doing good on the test because it will make your mind more prepared for actually taking the test. When you are feeling anxious take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you can do it. It can also help to close your eyes and visualize yourself in your favorite setting to calm yourself down.

  13. The ideal way to study for a test is to spread out your studying over time. When you get home from class you should immediately review your notes. This is the most important step of studying and will help you remember the most. At a mid point between learning the material and taking the test you should study again to refresh your memory. You are much less likely to forget things when you repeatedly review the information. Once your test is coming up you need to study at least one final time. It is a good idea to focus on main points first and then build upon them with smaller details. If done correctly you should have stored the information in your long term memory and you will be successful on your test.

  14. From when I was in high school until this moment I use these steps to study for math test. First of all, the attendance I never in my school life miss any class and always I set in the middle and first row the reason this place let me hear and see better and also no one can talk there. Second which is very important I do all my home work day by day and also because if I stuck in any question I can ask my teacher. Third I always want to get A in my class then I solve all questions in my chapter even if it not require. The last step always i think positively.

    1. Emad, I agree with you in all you said, especially in the importance to no miss math class. Math by herself is difficult, and as you go through each level and when you miss just one class, is enough to loose track.Another comment you made that is very important, at least for me too, is thinking positively because when you struggled in this subject years before it is easy to think that will be hard and we would not make it. You are in the right path to succeed, congratulations.

  15. The best idea for studying for exam is being, find quiet place and in perfect time which is morning. Second I prefer to go over all my notes and my textbook. Third prepare to my tools, flash cards, summary sheets, and mind maps and overall it. Each class has different ways to studying because each class has different marital for example math is not like history and each class I have different tools and ways to studying it. When I studying from time to time I give myself break time to relax or to do some exercise. The breakfast in exam day is more important it is like my power to pass the exam.

    1. You have great ideas for preparing for an exam. I also choose this subject but after reading your I see there are so many more techniques that I didn't use. I am going to add your techniques to my life.

  16. 1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

    I also once thought that I was not a good test taker, but there are some strategies to help you prepare and take a test. First of all, tools like flash cards, summary sheets, mind maps, and study groups can help you study for the test. On a test, if you find an absolute qualifier, these are typically false. If you find a general qualifier, these questions are typically true. One a True-False test, if you do not know the answer, you should guess it is true. Another strategy is if part of a statement is false, the whole statement is false. A decoy in a multiple-choice test can be high or low numbers. You should stay away from the extreme answers.

  17. . What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    To deal with anxiety, there are some tips and techniques to overcome it. One technique is to exercise because it helps use up your stress hormones. Exercising can help someone with anxiety feel energized. A method is deep breathing. Deep breathing can also help someone relax and supply enough oxygen to the blood for proper brain function. A mental trick to deal with anxiety is visualizing and rehearing your success. This allows you to imagine more positive than negative thoughts. Positive thinking will allow you to be more calm and confident about your exam. Another way to keep the negative thoughts away is to say out load to yourself, “Stop!” I have personally used all these methods during or before a test and they have helped me lessen my anxiety.

  18. For students who feel that they are not good test takers, there are a few things they should keep in mind. When you feel that you will not do well, it often will come true. Your anticipation of future results has more of an affect on the outcome then you think. If you feel that you need better strategies for preparing for a test then you could use one of the following. When you are studying for an upcoming exam, spread out your study time instead of cramming it all in the day before the test. Just spending a little bit of time each day will pay of in the long run. Another strategy a student can use is utilizing different studying tools. If you cant handle studying in a quiet room, then try to set up study groups. If it is to hard to review details from the text and notes, try flash cards. Finding the right study tools for you can help better prepare yourself for the exam. Preparation is the key to success. Above all else, stay positive.

    1. Shane, great post with excellent tips on test taking and review. I also like to spread out my review; it makes learning the information easier and not so over whelming. Flash cards are a great too, just like studying in a quiet room. It also helps to use the library at school. Something about the books makes the environment easier to learn in, for me at least. I like how you said, "Preparation is the key to success. Above all else, stay positive."

  19. Dealing with anxiety may be hard, but it is very possible. There are three things that a student needs to deal with test anxiety: Preparation, time management, and acceptance. Preparation helps relieve students of stress because the reward for preparation is confidence. Make sure you put in enough time into studying. cramming is not the best way to study, make sure you space out your time. Time management is very important when taking your test. When taking your test, do the easy questions first so you don't feel pressed for time at the end of the test. Getting stuck on 1 question will only make your anxiety worse. Acceptance is necessary when dealing with anxiety. Admit to yourself that you are anxious and it will be much easier to get over it. Some may say that accepting something does not make it go away, but think about grief. The last stage of grief is acceptance. Only after you accept something is when you have any control over it.

    1. Shane, it looks like you really know a good way to help with test anxiety. I agree with you that students need preparation, time management, and acceptance when dealing with anxiety. You really can give someone with test anxiety good advice to do well on tests. Also, I believe that it is true that you will only be able to have control over something after you accept it. It is important to do the easy questions first when taking a test because then you can start to feel more confident and generally you will do better on the test. After doing the easy questions, you can go back to the more difficult ones and focus more on those questions.

  20. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

    There are many things to do in order to prepare for a major exam. Even the smallest things may help the process. Waking up in the morning daily for class is the first step. Attending the class and not missing so many days will help you obtain all or most information. When having so many things to study or remember, I usually take part by part each day instead of leaving it to the last day because studying too much information can not only give you a headache, but make you want to give up. Making flashcards is one technique that has always helped me since I even started going to school. Taking cornell notes is another good tool to use because it summarizes all the main points so you know what you are studying.

    1. Catherine, I too like to make flash cards! It is such a helpful method to have them handy for review. I like getting the information slowly and for only a few minutes each day. This helps me remember key points, vocabulary, and especially helps in my memorization of my foreign language class. The Cornell note system is classic and organized, this system is my go to system when taking notes. Great post! I like your positive response to test taking.

  21. In my opinion, there are three main ways. One is to get a good nights rest. Sleep is like medicine for your body. Without it, you will increase the risks of short memory and anxiety. Another way is to meditate. Meditating is the number 1 go to activity to help minimize anxiety. Taking deep breaths and holding for a few seconds and breathing out slowly will always help relax and calm your mind. Lastly, thinking positively is another way to help with test anxiety. Negative thoughts will only make your body and mind feel and think what its not suppose to. Always tell yourself you are capable of doing anything and everything.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. "I am not a good test taker..."

    My answer is this: "No one is naturally a good test taker, most just prepare to take tests well."

    You decided if you are going to do well on a test, by how serious you take the information. This means devoting time to study and preparation. First thing is to know what key points are going to be reviewed. Also it is important to come to all of your classes and study groups if they are provided. I think it is great to get feed back from peers, who maybe know and understand the information better. Another great tip is to nurture yourself before your test; don't stress out and deprive yourself with sleep. Take a breath and go to bed early or wind down with relaxing music. Everyone is different; but we all feel the same auto response when stressed. Over all be confident in the information your remember, and hope for the best.

  24. When I review for a test I usually come up with a strategy. These strategies usually consist of preparation that begins from the beginning of the semester. I try my best to attend each and every class and a pay attention to every lecture. I take proper notes that focus on main points that I will need to know for the test. Then, I review my notes by starting to review early and spreading out my review time. I go over everything and then I practice by testing myself. Usually, I am successful and I do very well on tests.

  25. First of all, students must always think positive about themselves to score better, and gain confidence in themselves because if they do that they will not feel anxious and forget about the material. Students should also study well for the material to be prepared for the test. Moreover students must sleep well, exercise and have a fine meal before the rest to have energy. Those students can also set an alarm to wake up early, or go to class before the test, read the test directions. Students shouldn't cheat at tests, waste time at solving the hard problems instead of doing the easy ones

  26. Some suggestions for dealing with test anxiety would be to make sure you exercise before the test that way you will feel more relaxed and focused for the test. Another thing would be to make sure you get plenty of sleep so that way you won't fall asleep and you can focus better. Making sure you eat a good healthy breakfast can help jump start your day and help your brain get going and you won't have to worry about taking the test on an empty stomach. Another suggestion that could help would be to have a positive attitude and envision success.

  27. My best idea for studying exams is to make sure you manage your time good so you don't have to cram or not have enough time to properly study the things you need to know. Another good way to study for exams is to work in a group that way you can test each other on the material and have more predictions on the type of questions that will be on the test. Another good way to study for an exam is to make sure you have a good quite learning environment so that you can stay away from all of your distractions.

  28. How do you study for a math test?
    To study for a math test i would attend every class and gather as much information and notes as I can, i would review everything that i have for the test, prepare questions about the material and ask the teacher about them, study in groups for the test to share information and help each other, i must solve the practice tests that the teacher give. Moreover, i must first skim over all the chapters and concentrate on the major ideas idea in the chapter, read the notes, after that i would do some problems that i can find online, and i always remember that math means logic.

  29. I am currently in a Math class. Its applied hydraulics 104. The class is all about math and solving problems using equations. The way I study for the math test by first going over all my notes. Then I like to get with a group of students who are in class and go over different home works that have been collected and returned. Sometimes there is question that I have that can be answered by one of the other students. After that the morning of I like to review my notes and home works again.

  30. My best idea for studying for exams is not putting it off. I learned this one the hard way ! Its important to have time management and not to try to cram everything the night before. I try to plan for small studying sessions leading up to my exams as to not burn myself out and because I cant sit and study for long periods of time. Also It always helped me to make flashcards and make lists of facts to know.

  31. To study for math I usually like to have attended all the classes, that usually helps a lot right there. I usually like to study in a group for them. Also I try to pick up some clues or hints from the teacher on what we might be tested on and go back and do practice problems based off of that. Otherwise review all the problems and know how formulas you will need to solve them and the right order of things.

  32. A suggestion i have for test anxiety is to sleep enough the night before so you are well rested for the test. get up early that morning and eat a good breakfast to reduce the anxiety also it really helps. Prepare early with good note taking skills and study with friends that will help you when needed. Make sure to study in parts so you dont overwhelm yourself also.

  33. I study for a math test by writing all the important formulas on 1 sheet to study, then i go through the book looking at the main points for each subject we have learned and put those on a paper too. Then i study those subjects all so i can use them on the test.

  34. Irma Tiznado April 15, 2013
    What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    I will suggest to make a distribution of practice and set the time and place to study first in order to be less anxious when the test is due. But if he or she is still anxious, I will tell them to have a good sleep,wake up early and do about 20 minutes exercise,then to take a light breakfast. In the classroom before the test, to take a deep breath for three seconds and think positively that they will get good grades in the test, because they are prepared and will do their best.

  35. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    Stress anxiety can originate from many different things, but for every person theres a different way of dealing with it. Some people feel more comfortable constantly reviewing for something. They always feel the need to go back and study because it gives them the confidence that they are going to do well on that test. They feel a sense of security which is great because then they wont feel as overwhelmed during the test. There are many people who enjoy music. They loosen up their muscles and relax a lot more when their favorite music is playing. For many it takes them to another zone where they feel most safe and they can easily walk into the test with high hopes. Many individuals deal with test anxiety by running before the test. They are able to clear their mind from all the possible negative thoughts and just be ready for the test. Stress anxiety can happen to anyone so it should be nothing to be ashamed off, but we can all work hard to ensure a great grade.

  36. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    There are many disadvantages to cramming for a test. One disadvantage is that it doesn't work. People think that reading information really fast is going to do much but it really doesnt. Your mind can't possibly process and absorb that much information so fast. Another disadvantage is that when we cram, we get less sleep. Whenever we wake up in the morning we're already tired. By craming and sleeping for a few hours we're exhausting our body. It's better to just get a great nights sleep and actually have a comfortable awakening. Last disadvantage to cramming for a test is that your lying to yourself. It doesn't matter how hard you think your trying, your not going to do as well as you think you are because your stressing yourself out. By the day of the test your looking at the material and it looks completely new, as if you've never seen it before. You can avoid cramming by just taking 30 minutes everyday and reviewing. While gradually reviewing the material we are gaining greater knowledge then we would last minute. Our mind is able to fully process the information and do well on the test.

  37. 6)To prepare for a test adequately you must first go to class and learn the material; the first step in actually preparing for the test would be to review the things you just learned in class that day twenty minutes after so you better your chances at remembering the material. Don't wait until the day before the test to review, start a week in advance. Find the main points in the chapter or whatever you are being tested on and review those points. You, also, don't want to study all the material at once. Break the main points into small individual sections to study.

  38. 3)The first thing I would do is make sure I have all the material needed; calculator, book, etc. I would go to class everyday to learn all the new formulas and rules. If I was ever confused, I know to ask questions or talk to tutors at school to get help. Showing all my work, so I can go back and see what I did wrong when I mess up, can help me better understand the material along with doing homework/studying.

  39. How do you study for a math test?
    When I know there is a math test coming up I like to prepare myself a week ahead of time. I like to start studying by laying out homework assignments that go along with the test and study from those questions. I also do this so if I have any trouble or questions I can ask my teacher the next class period instead of waiting until the night before to ask for help. The best tip to study for a test for me is to think positively. If I believe I can do it then I won’t be so hard on myself and won’t have thoughts of failure.

  40. What are some suggestions for dealing with test anxiety?
    Some suggestions I would give someone for test anxiety is to NOT CRAM!!!! Give yourself time to prepare for the test so you don’t go crazy at the very last minute. Focus on reviewing notes and recognizing main points. Make note cards or mini tests where you can study questions you believe will be on the test. Also focus on key terms and vocabulary that will most likely be on the test. A key to dealing with anxiety is hoping for the best and getting enough rest so you can function at your best.

  41. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    my best idea for taking exams is to first of all set reminders on when the test is actually going to happen. preparation is the most important thing before an exam. what i like to do is actually have fun first before actually studying because of test anxiety. i believe if you are stress free then studying and catching up with you assignments will probably benefit your state of mind before taking the exam. arranging all you notes along with any pieces of information related to the exam should be the next part of getting ready. studying by yourself or with a tutor is also another way to get mentally prepared. as for taking the test i would say just relax and take deep breathes, if you panic you just might lose focus on what you tried to memorize.
