Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chapter 2, Personality, Feb 11-17

I was inspired reading all your blog posts on motivation.  Motivation sets the stage for success.  Many of you mentioned careers and the economy as motivators for going to college.  You are more likely to be employed and to like your career if you have an education.  One of the keys to success is to match your talents with the world of work and find your passion.  Julia Amonette says, “If you can’t motivate yourself, no one else in the world will be able to.  Keep up with your passion and motivation will follow.”  

 Many of you will face difficulties along the way and it is important to remember your lifetime goals to stay the course.  Thanks to Jessica Calleros for this quote:
"An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.  So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great.  So just focus, and keep aiming."

Chapter 2 began with the Do What You Are (DWYA) personality assessment which has a 4 letter code used to summarize your personality type based on your answers in the assessment.  For example, my code is ISTJ which stands for introvert, sensing, thinking and judging type. 

Posting 1:

Choose one of your letters and write 100 words about this aspect of your personality focusing on the positives of your type. Remember that one personality type is not better than any other.  Each type has different talents that can be useful in your personal or career life.  You may think that you are a combination of 2 different types.  It is OK to describe your unique combination. 

Here is a sample of about 100 words:

Based on the DWYA, I am a judging type.  I know that this is true because I can only feel relaxed when things are orderly and organized.  I plan my work and think about priorities when managing my time which helps me to accomplish my goals.  I even plan out my vacations in advance and like to have everything planned so I can relax and have fun.  I have met some opposite types in my lifetime and try to appreciate their differences.  I have found that perceptive types can usually introduce an element of fun in the situation and they motivate me to be a little more spontaneous at times.  I’m still most comfortable with my plans and don’t like to change them.

Posting 2:

Read another student’s posting who has the same personality type as yours and write a response to their post.

Here is a sample response of about 100 words:

I am a judging type also.   I could relate to your need to be orderly and organized.  I generally plan my time and like to have all my things organized.  I get stressed when things are out of order.  I have also met some perceptive types and I have to admit that they drive me a little crazy.  I like your idea of appreciating their differences and just trying to have fun with them.  I know that these opposite types think I am too set in my ways.  Being a judging type has lots of positives.  I plan to major in accounting and this seems to be a natural fit for my personal strengths. 

Just as a quick review, here is a brief definition of all types on DWYA.  Please review these definitions before you make your comments.

Introvert: private, likes quiet for concentration, likes to think before speaking
Extravert: social, likes variety, sometimes speaks before thinking
Sensing: works step-by-step, learns from experience, trusts what is concrete and certain
Intuitive: values imagination and innovation, focus on possibilities, creative and imaginative
Thinking: calm and objective, makes decisions based on logic, analyzes emotions, likes debate
Feeling: makes decisions based on personal values, values empathy and harmony, caring, emotional
Judging: orderly, organized, work first and play later, follows a routine, meets deadlines (Note: it does not mean to judge others!)
Perceptive: spontaneous, go with the flow, play first and do the work later, dislike routine, difficulty meeting deadlines


  1. As for me my four letters consist of ESTJ, and they symbolize extraverted sensing thinking judging but for one word to describe myself out of all four of these would be judging. I tend to really judge things by the outside of its cover. I noticed that over the time I learned to not judge things by the way they look. Like Martin Luther King said “ not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” I learned that over the years I have always been a judgmental person and that seems to me like a problem. I would like to turn that around and make it a positive judgment . I can sometimes judge positive for example there’s this girl in my Independent H.S. class who is just ugly and instead of me saying ‘hey girl your ugly “ I can say “ your hair looks pretty today” that shows a positive judgment .

    1. Hey Chantel,
      It seems like we come from totally different backgrounds but yet we have the same characteristics. The quote that you mentioned in your post really got to me, we are indeed all human, but the only difference among us is our personality and it really what defines. I am myself used to judge people by what they look like, dress like, and even what they smell like. It really was a bad quality in me and I decided to change it fundamentally. I really like your post and it describes many things that I myself tend to do.

  2. Chantel I am also a judger. I think that your reading of it is not what you think. It does not mean that you judge other people. It actually means that you have qualities under the word judger like, work first play and play later, generally keep thinks in order, like to finish projects, meet deadlines, are focused and work steadily. Just to name a few. I think that being a judger is actually a very positive thing. I hope you do not take this post the wrong way I am by no means trying to say anything negative. I think you being the first to post proves that you are a judger, we like to be organized and get things done in a timely manner.

    1. so what you tryna say is my interpertation of juding is wrong? im curious to know. I have always found myself a judging person positively and negatively but you did bring up a good point. And as judgers we do like to be in advantage of everything if that makes sense. I appreciate your post, curious to know what was your personality type ?

  3. My DWYA consist of ESFJ. I was not surprised when they came back. I am going to focus in the S (Sensor). I think that I have always had a hard time putting my faith in anything and anyone. If I can not see it, taste it, hear it or see it I tend not to believe it. I need hard and factual things to live my life on. This does hinder things in my life such as religion, when you have so many different versions of something that you have had no witness to it is very difficult. It is also hard in relationships, I tend to be motivated by what I can see for myself and words are empty to me. I want to see actions or things in front of me. I feel life has taught me much of what I know. My own experiences have made me believe the way I do. I value realism and common sense. I can not have friendships with others who lack common sense. I concentrate on what is in front of me. I focus on the present more then in the future.

    1. Hi Lanae,
      I have alot in common with you and the way that you can only believe something that you can see for yourself. Especially when it comes to people and relationships. I very much feel that actions speak louder than words and like to see them for myself to believe they are actually taking place and from the heart. Common sense is very valuable to me and relationships as well. Being a perciever and open to new experiences, I have been taught many things that have been useful for me to look beyond just what is right in front of me and understand things better and take people /experiences and decide on how they affect me and why they are the way they are. I also believe that everything happens for a reason and I will find out that reason, no matter what amount of time it takes for the reason to surface in my life.

    2. Hello Lanae, I didn’t get the S value but I feel I should have. I have the same way of thinking when it comes to putting my trust in anything or anyone. I am the type that has to actually see it to believe it also. This trait was installed into me through life experiences as well. I think that when you have been through some things and either have been let down or disappointed when you have put your trust into someone or something else and things just don’t work you become more of a show me kind of person.

  4. My DWYA report results described me as an INTP person. Which I found to be very accurate as to the person that I am.This is an introvert, intuitive, a thinker and a perceiver. I am a perceiver that loves to keep my options open and explore the possibilities of whatever may enter my life. I change my career goals and my personal life often as I become more interested in one thing than the other. I crave creative disorder and like to start new projects, although I may not always nessicarily finish them. This may sound like a bad thing but I move on to things that keep my interest and can do anything that I put my mind to. I love to figure out the "why's" in the world and enjoy experiencing new things. Because I am so open to new and different things I get to experience a variety of unusual and exciting people and atmospheres. I adapt very easily to many new situations, take bad experiences as lessons learned and thoroughly enjoy the good ones filling my life with positive energy. I am most comfortable when I can express myself through my creativity and share my thoughts effortlessly. While I do enjoy listening to others beliefs and ideas as well, because I like try and understand different views that others may have and compare them with my own. I tend to have close friends and a significant other that are more of the judging type, I believe that we balance each other out.

  5. The results for my DWYA assessment are ISFJ, although when I took a similar test last year my results were ISTP. I think that there are parts to both tests that were accurate. As a judger I like to do things in a very organized manner. It seems to make things flow easier when everything is in order. When I am working on a project for school I like to plan out each step before I actually begin working on it. I have friends who from their personalities I would have to say they are perceptive types. Often times they make last minute plans or change old plans and I find it frustrating because I like to always know what is going to happen ahead of time.

    1. Michael, I am also a judger, and understand your frustrations. Having a plan makes things so much easier, but it is funny because I also have many friend who are more the fly by the seat of your pants type. It is odd that opposites attract; I find that the friends who frustrate me most with canceling plans are the ones I enjoy spending time with the most. Sometimes it is good to be shaken; patterns are intended to keep us on track but can sometimes muddle the big picture. Perhaps the differences in your personality from this year to last are just signs of growth? Great post!

    2. Michael, we have the same exact results! How funny is that. I know exactly how you feel about being a judger. I have the same issues with having to have everything organzied and ready before i start on a project. However even if i have plans with friends and they get cancelled, im never all that frustrated because at times id rather not go out anyway. Im curious as to why your results changed over the last year but like the post above me states maybe its from growth!

    3. Hi Michael, I got the same personality results as you. I agree that being a judger, keeping things organized helps with everyday activities. This personality is especially useful when it comes to accomplishing projects for school. I also have many friends who are perceptive and it does get difficult to interact with them especially when it comes to school work or planning an event. I have done things last minute or procrastinated myself, but I try to avoid this. I like to know what will happen ahead of time and be prepared. I can be flexible as well with my time and schedule but it gets frustrating when it does become last minute.

  6. Based on the DWYA, I am the perceptive kind of guy. I believe this to be very accurate. I am a very spontaneous go with the flow kind of person. Growing and and even in my adult life I have kind of got used to having things that I had planned end up becoming changed or unable to do so now I have just kinda lowered my expectations and only depend on myself. So now I just go with the flow and know I cant control everything. I do dislike routine, even if I have to complete the same task after doing the same thing over and over I try and switch it up but still get the same results.

  7. DWYA determined me a INJF; some of my strong qualities are thoughtfulness and integrity. I really thought my DWYA report was very accurate, it put me in a nutshell quite nicely. I try to be a truly thoughtful person. I believe that having integrity is one of those moral codes that one should never do without. Our integrity defines how we feel about ourselves. A man/woman could have nothing and still have their integrity. I enjoy actively listening to people and trying to help them through their struggles. Often I give advice to my friends and family; trying to produce a unique and personalized piece of wisdom to help them through their woes.

  8. My test results say that I am a ENTJ which I would have to agree with. I think that I am mainly a person that is a Intuitive. I am also more of a thinker compared to being a feeler. I enjoy new ways to look at problems but rather use logic and fairness then to give in to ones feelings unless they are logical to my beliefs. I am also very extravert, I say this because I do enjoy having attention to my ideas because I feel as if I am, more times then not, a leader or in charge of the activity or group of people I am with.

    1. Hi Kellen,
      I too am an extravert and feel what you mean when you say that you are a leader in charge of a group. Does feeling like you are a leader draw bad feeling from your friends? Is it something that you put out there or is it something that you kinda keep to yourself?

  9. DWYA determined me to be ISFJ. I very much agree with this statement. I am definetly a feeler more then a thinker. On some issues its better to use logic then to use feeling but I feel as if, if i feel something isn't right i don't do it. It says people like me are quiet, caring, and gentle and i'd have to agree. I am a very quiet, reserved person until you get to know me, then good luck getting me to be quiet. I also would like to think i'm very organized in some of my life aspects but not all of them like i wish i were.

    1. Samantha, I too am a feeler as well. I always go with what my heart feels or my gut feels and it makes me feel good about my choice, unless I know logically 100% the right choice then of course I go with that. I am also a very quiet and private person, I always have been, unless I am with someone I know well, then yea people might wish I couldn't even speak, because I get very talkative. Also with me it really depends on the environment I am in to decide on how I act. For example if I am with my cousin, we are just two crazy loud people, but when I am by myself or with students, teachers or other family I am very quiet and “innocent”. I see that we are only one letter different, so we have a lot in common! Its great reading about someone who is quite like me!

    2. Irma Tiznado February 17, 2013
      Samantha, as a feeler like you, I follow what I think is right all the time,and I feel good when I found out that because of my decision, I helped somebody or had a good results. Been feeler have some advantage but it is truth, that sometimes I have to think twice to prevent big mistakes. Following just your feeling does not help in special occasions.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. According to my DWYA report, it states that my four letters are INFJ, meaning that I am an introvert, intuitive, feeling and judging type. I am quite impressed with my results because they are very accurate. Being the introvert type of person describes me pretty well because I am a very quiet person, I am independent and private, and I never speak until I think about what the words coming out of my mouth, thinking if they will hurt someone’s feelings, or cause problems. I only get involved with small groups when it comes to studying or going out, because I am a calm type of person. I also want to talk bout being judging. This is where I stand in both areas Judging and perceiving because yes I do like to live with a routine or schedule only when I have important tasks to do and need to get things done, and as for the rest of the day I like to be open with my options and, “go with the flow” and let my day be full of, “surprises,” or last minute things. I feel like if our days had a daily routine and schedule for the whole day, our lifestyles would be simply boring. I am the type to get important work done first, before going out or doing things less important, that is the only reason I like to have a schedule, more like a check list to get done with those things first. I believe being a Judging type will keep you successful in life because being organized and orderly will help you get things done on time without having to worry about deadlines, which will get you more accomplishments in life.

    1. Hey Catherine, reading you're post really surprised me because it felt like I was reading a anecdote about myself. According to my DWYA report, I'm a ISTJ. I understand where your coming from when you being a independent and privet person. I'm all about staying "low key" and making sure I don’t depend on anyone else but myself. I always keep to myself and stick with the same group of friends. I'm all about "work first then play later". I've always been told that hard works pays off. It’s nice to know we share the same values in life. Hope someday it will pay off and become successful in our lives.

    2. Catherine,
      I am also an Introvert. I like how you talked about not talking until you've thought about what your going to say. I tend to be the same way. In the same sense I also have set things I like to plan in the day lik school, work, and the gym but leave the rest of my day open to options. I also like panning for specific tasks I need to accomplish. Ive always believed being organized is key as well to being successful in life and your goals. Also I try to avoid a lot of group work or projects unless forced too for school. I like how you said you keep a checklist of things you need to do or get done. I usually do s variation of this on my phone.

  12. The DWYA (Do What You Are) shows that my types are ESTJ. No one said that I am very accurate, really it was surprise to me. These four words, Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging do match with my personality. I want to describe myself and I want others to decide if matches my personality or not. I like to develop standard ways of doing the job and following a routine. I don’t like to work alone; I communicate well and meet people easily. I like to make lists and plans to get the job done on time. I speak before thinking about something. I really Don’t care much about my DWYA, because, I know I’m human, I make mistakes, I’m not perfect, but I’ll always be thankful.

    1. I'm also a ESTJ. It sounds like we have the same personality type. Its not that fun to work alone. I also like to do things as a routine. I don't speak that much without thinking first. The DWYA isnt the most accurate but it got somethings about me right.

    2. If you like to have things in order and have list then it sounds pretty accurate. ESTJ also talked about always thinking that your right about everything so if thats part of your personality then it would be accurate. Thats a part I don't agree with though.

  13. Based on the DWYA, I am a judging type. I know that this is true because I’m very orderly and organized. I always set my priorities straight and making sure I have all the tools necessary for my duties. I was taught growing up to work first and play later. Hard work will always pay off at the end. Make sure your attitude is always positive. Without having time management it will make you feels sloppy and disorganized. In the working world, you must be responsible about what is important to you and making sure everything is submitted in time and complete. Pope John Paul II said “Young people are threatened... by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.”

    1. Well it seems like you an me an alot of people in this class tend to be judgers, It's pretty cool I think we all kind of have to be because most of us dont have the pleasure just to go to school thats why all of us are doing an online class. With that said it's always good to set high goals for yourself hope that the high goal end up getting reached an aslong as you can keep that judging type an set your time an keep up on the work your more then likely to do so.

  14. Based on the “Do what you are” quiz I am ISTj. I am an introvert, which means I am private. I do find this to be true, but in recent years I have been opening up more, I always like to think before I speak, that is what I have learned to be. But when I get to know someone they really are my strong friends, I only make few but very select friends. That is changing though; I am a lot more talkative but still quiet to new people. The friends I make are friends for life and that is the way I love it.

    1. Alex, i'm an introvert also and just like you i've opened up more and more lately even though i'm still a sort of a quiet person. And I feel the same way about how you said when you get to know someone they become a close friend. It's sometimes hard to open up to people especially when you're shy. But the couple really close friends I have are my best friends and we've been close for a few years and I know it'll stay like this for more years to come.

  15. In the DWYA I found myself to be IIFP. Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceptive. Although the first time I took this test it couldn't give me a match for my personality and asked me to re take the whole thing which I thought was BS and a waste of time after siting through and reading all that. However the second time around I swapped some answers and it led me to this. So already I dont put a lot of faith in this. It seems to be mostly right I have always been more of an Introvert. I like focusing on projects and working on my own. I also like going off Feeling or doing things on gut instinct at times. and I have always been spontaneous. I always need to change up routine or I will lose interest extremely fast.

    1. I agree with you Evan it was pretty frustrating that we had to take it twice. It definitely made the findings at least to me feel as if they were giving me personality answers just so that I have something to take from it. I too resulted in having an IIFP personality type which is really interesting. What a coincidence that we both ended up with the same personality. I too am spontaneous and do things on gut instincts are times depending on what it is and I am almost always dead on.

  16. According to my DWYA i'm an ISTJ, so i'm an introvert and I completely agree with that. I've always been quiet and shy and kept my personal business to myself and maybe a few close others. I was always taught to think before I talk and i've realized how that's kept me out of trouble and kept me from saying things I would later regret. I do like quiet places and places where I can concentrate on my work. And I also like working in smaller groups rather than a large group of people.

    1. Hello Zoe, I am a introvert too. When I read your blog I felt like I was reading about myself. I know what you mean about being careful with what we say so that we don't regret anything later. When I was young I quickly learned to think before I spoke because of what trouble my words could get me in. I don't know how anyone could concentrate in a loud area. Well I am still not entirely sure what I want to major in but I wish you the best of luck on finding a career that is perfect for you.

    2. This is really accurate about myself too. I've always been this way since i was a young girl. I see that Shane as well agrees with me. I prefer working with smaller size groups just because i feel more comfortable and get things done faster. I don't really have the problem of regret though. When i think before i speak i do it because i like hearing everyone's opinion so when i say mine i have a strong come back. I grew up relatively shy but i think i grew out of it more. I think that the private part is pretty accurate though because i also like keeping certain things to myself just to give myself a sense of peace and comfort.

    3. According to the DWYA I am an introvert too, I have to say that I am very similar to you in that I was taught to think before I speak. when I didn't I usually got in trouble because I would say something dumb. so I really can empathize with you and I hope you are open enough to people, and I am proud to hear you are opening up tore people.

  17. From my DWYA results I see that I am a ISFP. I am introverted and I definitely agree. When I spend time with friends I enjoy myself more when it is just with a few of my close friends. When I am in a quiet environment I feel that I am able to get more done. I do not like giving answers on a short notice. I feel more confident in what I say when I have time to think about it. Some of my friends have complimented me on being a good listener. One true lesson I learned from being a introvert is that you learn more from listening then you do from speaking. I am sure that speaking is equally vital when you have something important to say.

    1. I really agree with you Shane because I am introverted person too. I enjoy hanging out with my close friends more than being with too many people. I also like to study alone in quiet area, mostly I go with my bedroom, I feel I get more things done than working with group. I cannot concentrate on what I read when I am surrounded with people. you are just like me when it comes to listening to friends. One of my friends calls me from middle east just to talk to me about her problems; she likes to listen to my problems too but I do not like to talk about them.

    2. Shane i am also an ISFP and i agree with what you and tamara are saying. I fell that for me it is very hard to explain my feelings when i am mad or sad. My brain and body usually tend to shut down and i cant really say much. So i just think about it and later i come back and talk about it. it is very hard for me to open up to people because it makes me feel very vulnerable which i dont usually show, it seems like i am a very tough and strong person but i am a feeler.

  18. According to the DWYA I am ISTJ. This means that I am introvert, sensor, thinker, and judger. I think this is true because I am really thinker and judger. The best thing in my personality, and I like it the most, that I am so organized person. I have my own calendar and I write all the appointments I have on that calendar and I check it daily. Actually because I am a sensor too I can remember pictures very well so I remember the appointments I have written on the calendar without even looking on it. I also check the assignments I have for the whole week and I try to get them done in the weekend.

  19. The personality type that i most related to was Introvert which is more private and tends to think before speaking. I feel that it is pretty accurate too when it comes to myself. While out i can be social and enjoy but there are certain things i like keeping to myself because it gives me a sense of calmness. There are times where i can be energetic and it's fun for a little while as well. Also, especially when I'm studying i prefer to keep the headphones in my ear with no distractions because i know I'll end up doing my best at that way. Ever since i was younger I never felt the need to share my life with the world and talk about anything going on in my life. I like keeping things personal and to a small group of friends that I've known for a while. Especially while I'm in a conversation whether its about politics or any big topic, at first i tend to listen to hear every ones opinion then I'll give my say.

  20. According to DWYA report my personality was an introvert, I found that as pretty accurate. After high school I feel like we all loose a few freinds an as we tend to only keep a few close one's so for me I preffer to just be with them an have a bbq or a house party rather go out to big social event an club party type atmospheres. The main one of the few choices I wanted to pick on was me being a judger I really like that this was one of the ones that came up aswell because I see myself as a person who loves to plan out my day. I feel like if you dont have your day planned out you tend to not do as much as if you would when it is an I'm not person to just sit in doors all day an do nothing. With such a busy lifestyle that I have, working an having school an a girl friend its hard to manage our time so I always plan out my day an keep myslef organized.

  21. After taking my personality test my results say i am an ISFP. I agree with it for the most part except that i am not organized, because i consider myself very organized. I am introvert because i like working in groups and getting into small conversations with people. I do love to go out but i have no problem with relaxing at home with my family or just watch a movie. I love studying and doing homework alone because i feel like its just me alone able to concentrate. That is why i love going to the library to do homework and be able to get out of my house where it is loud and noisy. I am
    dealing with the present now and not worrying about what going to happen in the future quite yet, and i do procrastinate but get my work done. I am a very kind person who loves to listen to my friend and love being there for my family.

  22. According to the do what you are I am a "ESTJ" which means extraverted, sensing, thinking, judging. I think this accurately describes me. Judging sounds like a bad thing but it just depends what your judging. I think I'm good at judging which fruits or vegtables are fresh. Thinking is another word I think accurately fits my personality because I always think or analyze how or why things work. Sensing describes me also because I think I'm good at sensing how someone feels or when something feels bad. Overall this personality test was pretty accurate and gave me some things to think about.

  23. From DWYA, I am ISFJ. I feel that the assessment is very accurate, although I do have some qualities from other personalities as well. One aspect of my personality that I want to focus on is being a judger. I do see myself less of a perceiver and more of a judger. I can be flexible but I like to stick to a routine and schedule. This helps me put my life in order because I constantly have a lot of things going on at once, so if I was not organized, everything would be chaotic and overwhelming. Being a judger allows me accomplish my goals and task in a timely matter. It also helps me be on time and punctual.

    1. Chynna, I am also a judger and I can relate to what you wrote. I also like having things in a routine and being organized, but at the same time be flexible. I admire that you overcome chaotic and overwhelming situations by being organized, as a judger is, and making the situation easier. Hopefully being a judger will help us throughout college and our careers.

  24. I had to take the personality test twice which wasn't pleasant. It makes me a bit skeptical because they couldn't asses what my personality was from the beginning. Needless to say the findings the second time around were not too precise on my personality type but here are the results. I am an "IIFP" which means introverted, intuitive, feeler and perceptive. I felt that I was both introvert and extrovert so that wasn't very clear. Intuitive which I can relate to but I am also sensor depending on the situation. Same goes with thinker versus feeler. I have tendencies on both ends. I do feel fairness is important but do consider the effect on others. I am focused and work in bursts of energy. Anyhow it was frustrating because I wasn't able to really see what my overall personality traits really are.

  25. According to the test I was organized as a feeler, intuitive, and a judger person for which i make many of the important decisions in my life based on how i feel about that decision. I also like to keep everything organized in my life such as making a schedule for the whole week and finish all the duties that i have in the schedule in that certain duration of time. Also I am more like an intuitive person who likes to have an imaginary picture and visualize how could things turn out in the future. Furthermore, I like to be energetic, be close to art, explore new adventures, and learn new skills.

    1. Almas,
      We are identical in that we are feelers, intuitive, and judgers. I also make decisions in my life based on what I feel instead of what I think. I am also extremely organized, energetic, and open to learning new things! I always manage to complete all my duties and always on time.

  26. I am different than you Tamara Al Isso when it comes to being a sensor, and thinker since you are more like to use standard procedures, sea measurable results, and work with known facts for a sensor person. But being a thinker means to solve problems, challenge work, and use logic and analysis. While i am more to be a feeler, judger, introvert, and intuitive. So I work in a friendly relaxed environment, follow a schedule, work in small groups, and explore new ideas and approaches. Thus our differences are slight to a certain extent, but still we have a lot in common.

  27. Based on the DWYA, I am a judging type. This is very true in my case because I get super stressed out and feel out of control when things aren’t going the way they should be or the way they were originally planned. I like to plan things in advance because the business in which I work in and my family works in things happen out of the blue all the time and you have to be prepared for anything. This can cause annoyances and being a judger it irritates me. But if a plan is already made then I know it will happen and I don’t have to worry about it. Even though I just said how much I like for things to happen the way they are originally planned most of the best times come out of unexpected situations so I can’t say I’m completely against spontaneous things coming up.

    1. Nadlin, I am also a judger. I like things to be planned out in advance and I get annoyed when plans fall through. I like routine in my life and organize my life accordingly. I agree that good things can come out of enexpected situations but I think I just feel safer when things go according to plan. I too get stressed very easily and when pressured my mind can begin to shut down and not let me think clearly.

  28. Irma Tiznado Februrary 17, 2013
    I am Extravert, feeler, intuitive and perceiver. The results reflected my personality. I like to have a lot of friends, to interact with different kind of people, and help them if they need me or look for support. I do not like routines, because I like to be spontaneous and able to do different things. I follow my instincts most of the time and most of the time I am right, but when I made a mistake I feel that I have to analyze or think twice before. I am feeler because I follow my values and keep those as priority when making a decision. I am happy to have this personality except when things have to be with time management and organization.

  29. My personality type leans towards being an extravert, a judger, a feeler, and intuitive. I am outgoing and outspoken. I rely on my instincts excessively and strongly believe that what I feel is important. I am very confident and talkative, allowing me to be productive and quite successful in group projects, the work environment, and social relationships. I never give up and I strongly believe that anything is possible and within reach with motivation and positive thinking.

  30. According to the DWYA test I am ISTF person.I could say that the test describes my personality fairly.Being introvert is not a bad type but it makes you to think more how to contact with people.I also try to use my sense in some situations in my life but its not the right way all the time.Thinking and feeling are the other two types in my personality because thinking about the future is what makes me feel that I am going in the right way.

  31. According to the DWYA test, I am an ESFP. This describes me very well because I do feel like an extravert. It usually is not hard for me to build confidence and start a conversation with new people. I like to meet new people, because not a single has the same exact path or journey in life. I like to talk to people of all cultures as it often expands my horizons aboult the world.
