Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 2, Chapter 1, Feb 4-10

Hello Students,

It was great meeting you on the blog last week and learning about your educational journeys. We have a great variety of students in the class and many different educational backgrounds. This diversity makes for interesting discussion and sharing of ideas. I noticed a very interesting educational journey for Emad Esho, a student in our class.  Congratulations to Emad who became a citizen 2 months ago and dreams of becoming a math teacher.  His educational journey was not easy since he had to fight 2 wars in Iraq and just emigrated to the U.S. in 2007.  I smiled when I read his quote, "You must thanks God a lot because you are living in this great country and give you the chance to continue your education.  Education is the sun that lights up your life."  We all wish you much success in college and in your career as a math teacher!   

For this week, share your ideas on motivation with other students in this course.

Please read Chapter 1 in CollegeScope before commenting on any of these questions. You can also write or ask questions about anything related to college and career success or comment on others students' postings.Remember to make 2 postings of 100 words minimum for each posting to get the full 20 points for the blog this week. Postings for this week are due before 11:59 p.m. on Sunday,  February 10.  

1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
2. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?
3. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?
4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how can you overcome them?
5. Read comments posted by other students. Are any of their ideas useful to you?

You can also write anything about your experience in starting college or beginning this course. 


  1. Hi, my name is Chantel Jones and I so far like this college course. It has taught me a little more about myself already, than I already knew. My experience on starting college as a first timer so far is going awesome, I didn’t expect it to be like this but it’s a good learning experience for me. I can motivate myself to be successful by setting up goals for myself and following through with my goals, rewarding myself when I accomplish a goal or when I ace a test . In chapter 1 , the most interesting thing I found was the journal entries, because they were questions that taught me a lot by answering them and learning a little more about myself through each question. If I was to think about dropping this class or dropping out of college I could motivate myself to stay enrolled by rewarding myself, or self talk. Another roadblock that would interfere with my success would be fear, because fear could hold me back from achieving my educational goals or goals in general.

  2. From chapter 1 i've learned that there are ways to keep yourself motivated, on track, and keep you from wanting to quit or give up. For example staying positive and keeping yourself on top of work or assignments so you don’t fall behind. Some roadblocks to success could be the amount of work that was to be done to achieve that success and the stress it creates. I think a way to overcome that is to take care of work as soon as it’s given to you, so that you can finish it before the due date, and relax as that day comes.

    1. Zoe, I like your method. Procrastination is a weakness I suffer from occasionally; and hate myself for it later. Doing the assignments as they come is a the perfect insurance for the roadblocks that might pop up in the week. Awesome post, what a wonderfully simple positive idea.

  3. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    Motivation is the act or process in completing tasks. Another way I look at it is energy. Motivation is the key of completion. If you set goals and dreams in your life, one of the only ways you will complete the objective is to set the mind on conquering a lifetime goal. You must have inspiration, exercise, and reward to cover come the challenge you face. Without motivation in your life, you will end up sitting on the couch, watching TV and having a minimum wage job. College students are going to school for a reason. That reason is success. Everyone must look their self in the mirror and ask, what is my purpose in life. The answer will not come to you immediately, but putting yourself through school and motivating yourself to find that answer will bring you to success.

    1. I totally agree with you Marlo. Energy and inspiration. Also everyone should have a purpose, and I know that I want to live up to my full potential and be succsessfull in life and happiness.

  4. I’ve also learned that focusing on your goal to achieve the success you want can help you continue your education instead of dropping out if you ever feel like it’s too much. If you choose the career that you think will make you happiest in life that’s a strong motivator to work as hard as you can to achieve it. Also if you keep a positive attitude toward your goal and use ways to decrease the stress that it can cause. And plan out your work into an even load so you can finish things in time and not feel pressured by the assignment.

  5. If you are thinking about dropping this class or dropping out of college, how can you motivate yourself to continue?

    When I was a child, I remember my father driving me around downtown San Diego. He showed me all the poor homeless and less fortunate people sleeping in the cold and not having a home nor a meal to eat. He asked me if I ever wanted to be like them. I looked at him puzzled. Every time I would see a poor person I would think of my father. When I graduated high school I was “too cool” for college. Then I asked myself, where and what will I be doing in 20 years? Right then and there I enrolled in college. At least it will give me an idea of what I want to do. I’ve herd this class is the best and will help you succeed. Again, you must have motivation and a dream that you want to fulfill. The economy these days proves to us that we need an education to get anywhere. The cost living is high and gas prices are skyrocket. Dropping out of school will turn you into a “bum” unless you hit the lottery but we all know that’s rare. So take a look at the society we live in, and that will determine if you need an education or not.

    1. I like the way you see the situation Marlo. I enjoyed reading your story and you're right. We need our college career to succeed in life and do things we want to enjoy. We need to work hard to get where we want and going to college was the best step for you. I am glad to hear that you got into college and realized you needed it in order to survive nowadays in this horrible economy. Find a dream that interests you or motivates you to finish college and start a career, because if you don’t you will not want to keep going which will make you drop out. Don’t we all wish we could win the lottery some day !

      Jessica Calleros

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. That was a really humbling post. I really like the background story. What many don't understand is that it's always important to keep yourself grounded and know what there really is out there. I grew up fortunate with such loving people but i always remind myself to thank God everyday because even with the ups and downs i've faced, i've remained strong and defeated the odds. Your post is clearly so goal driven and its great to know there are great people out there. Keep it up!

  6. The way that I motivate myself to be successful in college is to keep reminding myself of the better life that it can help me to get. I think about the way of life that I should and deserve to have and know that having the life that I desire I have to work hard and be dedicated to always striving to do my absolute best on every step that I take in order to get where I want to be. When I listed the top reasons for me to go to college, in ch1, it really made me realize exactly what my motivating factors are, which are gaining stronger self-respect, by knowing that I am being the best that I can be and developing my potential in order to be the best me for my family and my desired future family, which is one of my biggest motivations for achieving success and happiness.

    Brittney Guthrie

  7. So far I am enjoying my semester a lot. I have chosen classes that I enjoy and that keep me interested which helps me to sustain my motivation. There is always going to be some (or in my case a lot ) roadblocks and crazy windy roads that we get sent down in our life that make it difficult for us to achieve exactly what we want to achieve enjoy doing so, and do our best to put our very best selves forward. I believe in the saying “just keep on, keeping on“ or “If your going through hell, keep going.” Sir Winston Churchhill. I have learned through the life that I have lived to never give up, when it rains it pours(for me anyways) good or bad. I have learned this the hard way. But I take all of my good and bad experiences in life as lessons and learn from them. Some took longer than others to finally stick, but now that I am finally staying true to myself and cutting out the things in my life that were negative and begining to fill my life with more and more positives like continuing school and exploring my career options; it feels really great and my self-worth and confidence is beginning to shine again. Keep going and be your best self and things will eventually straighten out for you, if you listen to your heart, try your best and be true to yourself. I hope the best for all, and keep going even when you feel like your done, you can amaze yourself sometimes.

    1. Brittney, I really liked how you said, "I have learned through the life that I have lived to never give up." This is inspiring, because I have also felt that through life and living through the hardships, I come out understanding why I had to experience it in the first place. Each struggle is a stepping stone, leading us along the river of life. Thank you for your honest words; it truly is amazing how much we can acheive if we just put our minds to it.

  8. Sorry I forgot my name on that last one Brittca1210- Brittney Guthrie

  9. The ways I have been motivating myself to be successful are some of the things we learned in chapter 1, the main one is a bet with my girlfriend about whoever gets the best grades each semester. The second way i motivate myself is to be positive about my classes, which tends to come easy for me because I love to learn, especially at math and science. Which is good because I am taking calculus 2 and chemistry 141 this semester. The one class I am really trying to be happy in is my English class this semester so I am using some of our techniques to stay happy in the class, the main one is finding things I like in the class, I have found I do like the readings.

    1. I really like your blog post, and like for me my favorite subject is math also so i feel personally that you'll succeed in whatever you put your mind to. and thats awesome that you and your girlfrined make that bet sounds like a great plan.

  10. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I motivate myself to be successful by thinking of how college is benefiting me. I know that I am going to school to pursue my goals and dreams. I think about my future and see myself 10 years from now with a job as a Physical therapist working at a Sharp Facility and coming home to a great family of my own. I know that my journey won’t be easy but that is what I have my family and friends for. My family supports me and encourages me to get through it at the end of the day. They remind me that I can do it and I need to keep moving forward. I would like to end with one of my favorite motivation quotes “An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming”.

    Jessica Calleros

    1. Hi Jessica, that is a great quote! It helps paint a picture of how struggles can have a positive outcome in the end. I do believe that we all have to fail sometimes, in order to learn how to successful. I also have friends and family who support me as well. They are great encouragement for me and they also keep me accountable to what I want to do with my life.

  11. Read comments posted by other students. Are any of their ideas useful to you?
    I've read a few posts from some of my classmates and i found them to be very instresting. I thought that one in particular was very outstanding because he explained himself really well ,and i really liked his idea. His way of staying positive about his class schedlue was very decent.

  12. Hello everyone,
    To keep myself motivated, I tend to look at things differently. When I first started taking this class, I realized that it really was a hard class that came with a lot of homework which meant that I needed to allocate more time in order to pass this class. Which is what I’m going to do. By not dropping this class, I will encourage myself to do better. That is the first step, other ways I could motivate myself is by keep thinking of my final goal and realizing that the action that I take right now is exactly what is going to lead me to reach that destination.

  13. Before I took this class I wasn’t even asks myself and why I can motivate myself. Even thought I was doing that without I know. This class in one chapter teaches me a lot thing. This class like I mention before need a lot of work, but it’s totally worth it. I am now able to know what the Read comments posted by other students, Are any of their ideas useful to you?
    Value of college is how I change my habits that lead me to success, and how to motivate myself. The important thing in this class allowed me to practice and share other his or her opinion. Read comments other students and they read my posted. The most important thing which helps me to motivate myself was when I read comment from my great instructor Dr. Marsha.

  14. Motivation is like the ocean; ever ebbing along the shore with the tides as the world revolves around in a constant state of change.I think the key to motivation is making sure you know what motivates you, and for the right reasons. It is always important to realize that you have to be number one. If you can't motivate yourself, no one else in this world will be able to. Keep up with your passion, and motivation will follow you as you slowly succeed a your short term goals. Keeping the vision, always proceed with the best intentions for yourself. I like the way Zoe Andrews said it in her post,"...take care of work as soon as it’s given to you, so that you can finish it before the due date, and relax as that day comes." Keeping this mentality will keep you successful until the next mile-stone.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Revan, I like your ideas in how you motivate yourself in being more successful in life. I agree with your idea of getting over the hard work first so that you can get rid of the heavy workload then relax and take it easy doing the easier workload. I was also raised by parents that didn't attend much college, and I struggled through middle and high school because they weren't able to help me when I needed the help. So people like us have to work a little harder to achieve what we want. I also agree with the fact that staying away from the wrong crowds helps you become successful because the environment you put yourself in can affect your motivation and well being as well.

    2. We have a few things in common, my parents did not go to college either. and me being the oldest that is a huge motivating factor to earn a college degree not only for myself but for them also. Staying out of the wrong crowds sometime can be tough but I applaud you on avoiding that. I once was caught up in that crowd but now I avoid that circle of people as well. Completing the hardest task first does making everything seem so easy so I try to use that same techniques too.

  16. 1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I motivate myself to be successful by creating short-term and long-term goals that realistic and attainable. It can be discouraging to set a goal that is not achievable. It can be such a great feeling of achievement once I accomplish my goals one after the other. This is how I see college, I see it was a long-term goal that is attainable with smaller goals along the way. With these goals I have a plan for how I would achieve each one. One major factor are the people and resources who can help me be successful. I wouldn’t be able to be motivated or successful without the help of friends, family, and mentors. These people provide a lot of encouragement and keep me accountable to achieving my goals.

  17. 2. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?

    The section on “Managing Your Internal Distractions” was extremely interesting. There were a lot of techniques and methods that can be useful. I often get distracted by my surroundings and by tasks or worries that pop in my head. Some of the methods I already implement like taking breaks and being active, changing topics, and finding incentives. However, I want to try out the checkmark technique because it pinpoints how often I get distracted and when. The worry time method can be helpful as well because I often will not be able to focus because I am constantly worrying about something. Even though I can try to minimize my external distractions there will be distractions out of my control. However, I can control how my internal distractions affect me.

  18. 1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    I motivate myself to be successful because I know exactly where I wan to be in my career. I have gotten the opportunity to work in the field already and I am hooked on it. In the end I want to be working in the ER as an RN on a Trauma Team. So for me it comes down to motivating myself to get through the boring general ed classes to get to what I actually want to learn about. So in a way I dangle that infront of myself as a way to keep pushing. Also another way I motivate myself is already having friends working in the field that I can stay in contact with and be around to get further insight and advice. I also have a checklist of certifications and goals I need to hit in order get further along the track of success. Every time I accomplish one of the things on my list I can heck it off. I serves as a visual reminder to keep working and pushing until I get through the whole list.

  19. 2. Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?
    In chapter 1 there weren't that many new ideas that suck out or were mind blowing to me. Ive always been a very goal and reward oriented person so I have used many of these in the past. I agree a positive and determined mind set is crucial. The minute you start thinking you cant do something you've already lost. I also think that if you find yourself questioning if you really want to be in it or doing it you need to rethink wether you're cut out for it in the first place. I believe if its something you have your heart set on and know in your gut its what you want you're gonna go through hell and high water to get. No online class is gonna teach you what you want out of life. Find what makes you happy and what you love and have the mind set that nothings gonna get in your way and tear down anything and everything that does.

  20. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    Are there some new ideas on motivation in Chapter 1 that you find interesting or helpful?

    There are many ways you can motivate yourself to become a successful student in college. In my opinion, the main thing that matters when it comes to self motivation is that you have to believe in yourself. Not only should you believe in yourself, but being in an environment where you have people to believe in you is another great way to be motivated. Reading chapter one refreshed my memory with helpful ideas and advice. I learned that being optimistic; in other words, being confident about your future is also another way to be motivated. Having negativity around me doesn’t help me much; it affects my actions and beliefs, and makes me loose confidence in myself. I tell myself that the things that happen in my life are caused by my attitude, actions, and control, in other words as read in chapter 1, having internal locus control is a great way to keep you motivated and determined. Changing the bad habits of procrastination has also helped me as a student. I also compare myself to others out there and tell myself that I have such a great opportunity in front of me, to attend college, get an education, have a great career, that I should take advantage of it and take that chance, because there are other people out there who not only wish to go to school, but wish that they had finished their schooling.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You're right Catherine! I also believe that you motivate yourself by believing in yourself. If you don't believe that you can succeed, then you will never have that urge to try to succeed. Having the right group of friends also influences your success. When you have friends who are supportive of your success, they will motivate you to do well and succeed. If you have a group of friends who slack off and don't care about their own success, then there's a slim chance that they will encourage you to do whatever it takes to be successful. I also agree with what you said about being optimistic. Being optimistic is a great quality that will help you believe that you can achieve great things in life.

  21. SSome roadblocks I ace are how long school is going to take. For me it will take a total of seven years three in community college then 4 in California maritime academy. The reason it is a roadblock to me is the sheer mount of years I have to go. I really love what I am planning to do so that is my saving grace and I hope that will lift some of the burden of how many years I have to do. The way I think I will get through it is using many techniques I am learning in this class, I know I will be learning many more.

  22. The main way that I motivate myself to be successful is by imagining the outcome once all my hard work is completed. I know that all of my hard work in college will pay off once I graduate and have a career of my own. In chapter 1, after listing the most important reasons to go to college, it gave me a whole new perspective on why I motivate myself such as staying positive and gaining self-respect. If I were to ever consider dropping out college, I would think of all the things in life that I would be missing out on and that would motivate me to continue college. I don’t want to end up working a minimum wage job for the rest of my life when I have the chance to make my life a lot better. Some roadblocks to my success are taking challenging courses in college, however, I overcome them by taking it one step at a time and trying my best. This usually allows be to be successful.

    1. Raquel,

      I also imagine the outcome of all my hard work and how everything will eventually pay off! I also think about how successful I will be as I pursue a career and how positive my life will be!

  23. I think about the outcomes of once reaching my goals , so that motivates me to stay focus and be successful. Being able to manage your internal distraction is a big strength for an individual. Managing your time makes you an organize person which helps a lot in getting a lot of things done. Roadblocks in my life that can happen are relationship problems with a significant other , brothers , parents, and friends. A lot of times some problems are more severe than others , so in my case I would overcome them with my faith in God . One main idea that I found on a classmate's post was that "you have to believe in yourself " in order to be successful. I think that confidence in yourself is the main key to succeed in anything in life.

  24. My experience in starting college this semester has been very enjoyable. The best part is always at the beginning when you don't know how your professor as well classmates are going to be like . So far I've interacted with very interesting people that have a very unique personality . I like my professor's , because they seem like individuals that really care about their students and are willing to help them out in anyway possible to better understand the material . That gives me a sense of comfort in a way that I don't have to hesitate to ask them for help . I hope all of you guys are also having a good start to college.

  25. I motivate myself to be successful by reminding myself of my goals. If I ever feel like dropping out of college I will keep myself on track by telling myself that it will pay off in the future. Right now I am not having the best attitude towards college because I saved more difficult classes for last but I know that now adays a college education is crucial to make any money. I want a good paying job to support a family when I am older and completing college is the best way to go about doing that.

  26. When I first started going to Cuyamaca it felt more like a continuation of high school. I took math and english classes that turned out being pretty easy for me and I got lucky enough to have lots of people in my classes that I knew. Now that I have finished the subjects I am most proficient in I am stuck with the classes i have trouble with such as econ and history. I feel that I need to know what type of career I want to have some sort of direction in college and that is why I am taking this counseling class. I think that along with choosing a career it will teach me many inportant skills I will use throughout college.

  27. I motivate myself by imagining my bright future after graduating college which will be a great step. Furthermore, I usually get motivated by my dad who always inspires me to do better. I believe in myself that I can overcome all the obstacles and attain all my goals. I admit that from time to time I get depressed and my powers faint, yet I pick myself and refresh my brain by doing something that gives me energy like walking alone and thinking for a while. So I always try to look at the bright side and recognize the good educational chances that I have.

  28. Through the reading along chapter one I really like the “intrinsic and extrinsic” section which seemed very interesting to me it helped me recognize in which category I go and that was the intrinsic one and it was fun too. I also like the “steps to being persistent” which also gave me very interesting and new methods to improve my studying techniques with, as I believe that I will be able to score higher on my tests after applying these steps. In addition, the “habits to success” were very helpful and I enjoyed reading it because I needed to learn some of the steps like choosing the right spot to study in and other good ways.

  29. 1.How do you motivate yourself to be successful?
    Ways I motivate myself to be successful would be by always reminding myself of my goals and what I want to achieve. I like setting little goals for myself and after I complete each one I know I’m that much closer to being complete with my overall goal. I also motivate myself to be successful by reminding myself of where I want to be at the end of finishing college. After I finish all the general education classes I can focus on what I truly want to do which is business. And once I get to that point then the real work begins.

  30. 4. What are some roadblocks to your success and how you can overcome them?
    Some roadblocks to my success would be time management and procrastination. I am really bad at procrastinating and it has been a problem I’ve had for years. One way I can try and overcome that would be by starting assignments earlier and making the due date earlier than what it really is so I can finish it on time instead of rushing to finish last minute. As for time management that goes hand in hand with procrastination and I need to manage my time more wisely according to when things are due so I do not fall behind.

  31. I motivate myself to be successful person in life by thinking about the future, and plan for it. I actually use all the ways mentioned in the first chapter of the college scope. Specifically, I try to think about the job I will have in the future, and how it is going to change my life. I also think about the time I will have to spend with my family if I will get my degree otherwise I will have to work hard and spend more time far from my family, and get less salary. So these are some ways I use.

  32. I actually did not think about dropping this course neither dropping out of college. We are all human beings, so we all have problems in our lives. The successful person is the one who takes those problems step by step and tries to solve them from the roots. This is the way I deal with roadblocks I have in my education plan. Some of these problems might not have solutions, but at least I try to solve them. The most important thing for is to get lessons from the bad experiences not to let them affect my life negatively.

  33. Irma Tiznado, February 10, 2013
    My goals to be successful are to be dedicated, responsible and persevere in every step I need to follow in order to get my Degree in Graphic Design. I know every step has his own challenge and with positive thinking and working hard to surpass every one of them I am sure i will accomplish my dreams. I am motivated because is a new endeavor in my life and I want to Have my degree on a Mayor that I know i have the skills and just need the tools to develop them.

  34. I motivate myself to be successful by using a reward system. I find something that I really want lets say a expensive pair of jeans from nordstrom's. I make a goal that I need to earn all B's or higher in order to purchase this item. This makes it easy for me to get the grades I need to keep up my GPA and not make me feel guilty when I splurge on nice things. I also use being organized as a motivator. I feel it is easier to stay motivated and on track when you are not constantly looking for things, scrambling to get your stuff in on time, and doing work twice because you can not find something.My children are another factor to motivate me because I want them to have everything. I know that I will be able to tell them that if I can get through college with 3 children, running a home, and balancing all of their activities then they have no reason to graduate college straight from High School. My parents pushed me to get married and have children from High School so having to start college in my thirties was even more difficult. So motivating them also helps to motivate myself.

  35. Some road blocks that I encounter in staying motivated in college is having three children. I have a 9,11 and 2 year old. It seems that the first week of school the 2 year old is always sick and wants to be glued to me. The older boys try and guilt trip me that they miss me when I am gone and do not want me to go to school. It is really hard to leave them when they are like that. I have to pick them up from school, make dinner, start homework and leave. I do not get to eat with them.
    I am trying to overcome these by thinking positive and trying to focus on the end goal and knowing it is not forever and it will be over soon. I also am trying to leave my 2 year old for a bit during the day so he is not so attached to me.

  36. What motivates me is that I have already attended college before and have been successful doing so I know that I can do it again. There are more obstacles now but I still know that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I currently motivate myself by saying you have done this once you can do it again. I did find some of the topics in the readings helpful. I will definitely try changing my study habits for 10 days and see what happens because I usually look for the quick turn around and that doesn’t seem to be helping especially when it deals with studying something that takes me a bit longer to learn.

  37. How I motivate myself to be successful is to look at the rewards at the end of the journey and make sure I don't have any regrets. I did very poorly in middle school and the beginning of high school but I motivated myself to finish school and even had to go to a charter school after high school to get my diploma. The reward was a diploma and I knew that would just be the first step to being closer to having a career. I had to work so hard to make up all of the classes that I had in high school but i'm glad I got that done and couldn't have done it if I wasn't motivated.

  38. If I ever thought about dropping out of college I would have to evaluate what the benefits and disadvantages would be if I didn't obtain a degree. Some people don't understand the importance of a good education and how many doors it can open for you in life. I realize the importance of going to college so I wouldn't want to drop out. Sometimes you might need to drop out of college if something in your life changes such as your health or other opportunities. I would motivate myself to finish college and not just give up. There's a lot more positives than negatives.

  39. The way that I motivate myself to be successful is by using a few different techniques. My most important technique is that me and my starting a family and I wanted to be the best role model for my children I can possibly be. I am already trying to set a positive example for my younger brothers and sisters. My favorite technique I use is visualizing the future. When things get tough and I fell like do know why I am putting myself through this I start thinking about the future. That always puts me in a good mood and gives me the boost I need to keep pushing through. I also like to set mini goals and then once those are completed I reward myself. The reward can be something small like going to a favorite restaurant to something big like purchasing something big for my car that I am currently restoring. I am not proud of it but I have dropped out of college once. I was very easily distracted at that time and thought there was other things more important that I needed to be doing. As crazy as it sounds I thought I knew it all. Back then all my education was paid for, everything free books, tuition, and room and board. That is all long gone now. Now every last cent is coming out of my pocket. Also now I have a different outlook on life so there is no way I will be dropping out of college again. One of my biggest roadblocks to my success was me. I would let doubt creep into my mind and not know how to deal with it. Now I have learned the techniques like visualizing the future and setting mini goals to keep me on the right track.

  40. I motivate myself by looking forward to what I want. I have dreams and promises that I oath myself to fulfill no matter what. I want to succeed and finish college. My sisters motivate they are so smart and get the best grades in all their classes, I always try to follow them because they are my best 2 example in life. My parents also motivate me because they did their best to help me to get to this level of education today, so I want to succeed to make them proud. The best thing that motivates me is my dream car Ferrari. I want to work hard and live a good comfortable life and get all what I dream of.

  41. This is my first semester in college. I am trying my best to work out my time between my work and classes, as I also need to keep my grades in a good shape, and keep my GPA high. I have goals to achieve in college. I want to learn the most I can learn from college life, and gain the most I can of knowledge. Even though, what stays with the student after he graduates from college are not the information he learns in each material, but the lessons he learns from the different experiences he goes through that prepare him for life.

  42. Some of the roadblocks that I commonly face is procrastination, and time management. Since I work full time and have a family, my biggest thing is to find the time to do assignments. Some of the ways that I am trying to combat this is by making a time to do my assignments to where I can sit by myself, and concentrate. My biggest mistake is thinking I always have more time than I really do, leaving things to the wire. I never thought of dropping out, but if I did, I would try to see myself down the road. I would ask myself if the "easy way" is something that I would want my children to do. I think of it as, I wouldn't want them to quit, why should I ?

  43. Hello everyone. How I keep myself motivated is not a matter of how it can increase my income (but it does not hurt). What drives me to go to college is more closely related to my gaols. One important goal in my life is to have a career that allows me to help people. An education will Improve my potential in the world. The idea that a college education can help me with my goal by improving my potential is all I need to know for me to keep going. I draw the majority of my motivation from the idea that education will allow me to be in a better position to help people. Another Reason I am able to keep myself motivated is because I Generally Like to learn. when ever I do watch T.V most of the time I prefer documentaries. When I cant think of anything to do on a rainy day I would surf the net to learn about anything that interests me ( I know not to believe everything I read from the internet).

  44. There are two roadblocks on my way to success. First I need to address my organizational skills. I don't always have the most reliable memory so I rely on writing down what I need to do. Unfortunately I have not found a solid method on remembering to check what I have written down. So far by making it a habit to keep note pads near, I have been able to keep track of my schedule more effectively then in the past. My second roadblock is my social anxiety. I have had about 5 years to learn how to cope with fear of social situations. Now I am able to handle large crowds but more importantly I am able to stay in a class without letting my anxiety get the better of me. Some times my anxiety comes back with a vengeance when I have to make a class presentation. Some times I feel exhausted just after going to social events with family and friends. If this roadblock taught me anything, it is that the roads you take in life wont be smooth but with determination all obstacles will look like pebbles when you see them in your rear view mirror.

  45. 1. How do you motivate yourself to be successful?

    I motivate myself to be successful by always setting up a reward for myself upon succession. This helps me to always move forward and strive to fulfill all my goals. I also always think about the future, the people I want to make proud, and the role model I want to be for my children. I always try to think positive to push forward and move on to each new step.

  46. There are several ways to motivate yourself to get through college or even through your semester. Just as mentioned in Chapter 1, you have to keep your eye on the prize. Its so important to know that to get to something you have to get through something. When i first entered college after high school i was nerveous because i knew i had four years ahead and then another three years for law school. Just the thought of that made me nervous. I really wanted to get great grades but it's almost like my nerves took over me. Something like that really didnt happen to me typically. However, the moment i started my first day i knew that i had to take it seriously if i wanted to do well. I remembered that one day i'll be making a successful living and doing what i love which meant more to me then anything else. Another thing, women nowadys are still looked at as second hand and many dont get payed as much as men do. I want to be that woman to break that. I really beleive in women independence and hope to spread that too girls/women that may not have that strong faith in themseleves. There are going to be road blocks everyday. It's up to you if you want to let them stop you and get in the way of what your ultimate goal is. I love reading other peoples comments because there are so many different views of life and it really opens the mind of an individual of what could be out there.
